bengali kayastha gotra list

When I look at individuals from Bangladesh, the ones with the most East Asian ancestry are invariably from the furthest east. Another thing I have observed is that while the lines are patriachal, the lines have some females mixed in. A nice work. Thanks. As you said, one may be able to find some info from Gaya/ Benares (Varanasi) - but I have never explored that option.b. One more interesting inf. And yeah, occasionally a family member might have an Asiatic look doesn’t matter if it’s from eastern Bengal or west, even Brahmins can have a strong Asiatic look, for example, Mamata Banerji. to name a few). Sir,I am a Chakraborty,we follow Sama Veda and I came to know that our Gotra is Paiyatamashi,could you please throw some light on this as there is no information available about this anywhere and is this same as having a Shandilya Gotra? Namaste Though I am not a bengali brahmin but I am studying brahmin culture and tradition. I was a young kid at the time of poita or brhomopdesh so cant remember the name of sutra assigned and pravar, and in sandhyavandan jap, we only take name and gotra so don't know pravar and sutra( which is not correct either as we should take name of pravar and sutra too). Can you help me , what is sutra and pravar of chatterjees? Appreciate the input !Although the above mapping holds true in most cases, we must remember that the entire mapping of surname-gotra-veda may vary from family to family - because many a times families simple followed/ adopted the Vedic school of their kula-guru or kula-purohit.Again, in non-Kulin Bengali Brahmin society (who were a majority), women were typically held in reasonably high esteem and they are the ones who usually carried the religious tradition forward in many cases. . In many states they are even considered higher than Kshatriyas. Kayasthas have 12 sub-caste and marry within the caste. My surname is Debnath , am i included in brahmin.. . With several Varna switches back and forth over hundreds of generations. This is very interesting. Like I said earlier, Shandilya gotra seems more likely. Regards, NamasteThough I am not a bengali brahmin, I think I can help you at your queries. Actually I was looking for Upanishads of My own Shakha.Our traditional family surname is Bagchi and veda is Sama ved. This gives us an idea about how many generations a Jati has been at least partly connected with a specific Varna. Among the four Vedas, the Samaveda is regarded as the foremost. And do west bengalis (any non-brahmins) have any difference from Bangladeshis except less East asian ancestry? Bengali Brahmin Surnames List Bengali Brahmins are those who have origins in the West Bengal, Tripura, Bangladesh and parts of Jharkhand. Any examples of south Asian populations that are not paternally heterogeneous aside from tribal populations? In the mean time, could you provide the Bengali or Sanskrit spelling of your gotra? At least in terms contributing to the founding population? Kayastha community in Kolkata is one of the educated community that is indulged in diverse professions. 1. Further, there are various Kayastha sub-groups that have different origin stories like Srivastava, Ambastha, Saxena etc. So we belong to Vatsa gotra. My patrilineal family belongs to Karan Kayastha group from Mithila and I was told once that we had migrated from Karnataka hundreds of years ago. Alternatively, i get the skepticism insofar as I really don’t consider oral folk history in india reliable over 4 generations let alone 14. the ASHG results fro west bengal suggest OBC is a new group that is highly heterogeneous. For Bengal----------Kayastas are not Brahmins.Brahmins are of two main types - Radhi and Varendra.Common surnames are Mukhopadhyay/ Mukherjee, Bandyopadhyaya/ Banerjee, Chaterjee, Ganguly, Ghoshal, Sanyal, Maitra, Bagchi, Kanjilal etcCommon titles are Bhattacharya, Chakrabarty [Acharya, Goswami] [Some Ray's, Majumdar's are Brahmins]Less common surnames - Sharma, Mishra etc. Dear Sir,I am a South Indian Brahmin of Srivatsa gotra. can anyone please help me to find my family origin? The only sure way is to check in Varanasi/ Benares. What is the “main india cline” and what do u mean by “heterogeneous paternally”? YOU ASSUMED THAT SANAYALS ARE SAAMVEDIKS BUT I AM A SANYAL AND I AM A RIGVEDIK BRAHMIN.SO I THINK THAT YOU SHOULD NOT COME TO THIS CONCLUTION THAT ALL SANYALS ARE SAAVEDINS.I WANT TO KNOW MY SHAKHA.PLS HELP OR SUGGEST ME SOMETHING. The Rigveda underlines the path of Jnana or knowledge, the Yajurveda that of Karma or action and the Samaveda that of Bhakti or devotion. Each gotra takes the name of a famousRishi or sage. Mukherjees are Samavedi and not yajurvedi Thank You!!! A PCA plotting the various regional Bangladeshi samples you’ve acquired through the SAGP and the West Bengali ones would be an eye opener. In this post I will talk about Gotra, Veda and Vedic Shakhas of Bengali Brahmins. Vivekananda’s ancestors had been all four Varnas at different times as per their preference and circumstances. For this reason many Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas preferred to become Shudras. Bride - Hindi/ Delhi - Hindu: Kayastha - Hindu - gotra adholiya ZAZV8360: pin. Thank you for sharing this information.If you liked this post, you may also like reading my other website on unexplored aspects of Hinduism called and particularly the below post on Vedas.7 Amazing Facts about Hindu Philosophy5 Interesting Facts about Rig Veda5 Amazing Facts about Atharva VedaRegards, A nice work. I am a sarayupareen brahmin actually.Your veda and other derails should as follows-Veda- Saamaveda, Shakha- Kauthumi, Sutra- Gobhila, Upaveda- Gandharva Veda, Shikha- Vaama (left), Pada- vaama (left) and most importantly Pravara- Bhaargava, Chyavana, Aapnavaan, Aurva and Jaamadagnya (pancha pravara).Since your pravara (rishis of your gotra) are same as those of Saavarni gotra (shoboron as you say in bangla), marriage should not be done between these two gotras.As a brahmin, you should everyday perform Sandhyavanda (three times) as per your veda,shakha and sutra. Thanks & Regards. Your gotra, your ancestors going back many generations, jati, ancestral village. Tell me how could one find one's shakha,veda in case they are lost except except that Gotra(Kashyapa) is there.I mean they must be recorded in the kulaji like varendrakulapanji but where to find such books are they there in 'the asiatic society' or are they available in the market..I have heard there are pandas in gaya,bihar who act as family history record keepers.If u could shed light on this question too.. Dear Niladri,Thank you for your question.As far as I am aware, all Ganguly's / Gangopadhyay's belong to the Savarna gotra - they are the same as north Indian Bhargava brahmins (ie descendants of Rishi Bhrigu). finally, I find a bengali man with spunks.. Salut. Though R1a is overrepresented, one of the Kayasthas has both male and female East Asian uniparental lineages. I understand Kayasthas may be mixed caste. That said we can do stuff as they say. Best option would be to listen to the mantras during Puja functions at your place (I refer to traditional Pujas) - there are certain mantras which can immediately give you clues as to your shakha - the svasti vachana mantra - sankalpa mantra - ghatsthapana mantra - if you have a saligrama stone (shalagrama shila) Vishnu installed at your place, then the first couplet of Purusha suktam is different for different schoolsHope this helps !Thanks,Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay, I can add my data.....which is kind of an anomalyMukhopadhyay - Bharadvaja - Sama Veda, Dear Anirban,Thank you for the data point. A few families are still now there with Sen Kayastha gotra. my sister in law is Chatterjee but not of Kashyapa Gotra but Vatsa, on the other hand my maternal aunt who's married into a ghoti Chatterjee family is now of Kashyapa Gotra, Kashyapa being the predominant Gotra amongst Chatterjees.So I feel personally that the Gotras of the Bhattacharyas and also the Chakrabortys as well cannot be generalized and needs to be ascertained on an individual basis. Dear Sir,A potential groom for my daughter is a Maudgalya gotra and kayastha. plausible, but who knows? Other names used to refer to it are Vansh, Vanshaj, Bedagu, Purvik, Purvajan, Pitru.An individual may decide to identify his lineage by a different gotra, or combination of gotras. My father was about 4-5 years old that time. “And do west bengalis (any non-brahmins) have any difference from Bangladeshis except less East asian ancestry?”, Non-Brahmin non-Dalit/SC west Bengalis are closely related to Bangladeshis. I mean, aren’t most groups heterogeneous paternally (i.e. Thanks a lot. Mean divergence times ranged from ~2,600 years for the Santal, an Austro-Asiatic language speaking tribal group, to 850 years for “scheduled castes” (i.e., Dalits), 625 years for Bangladeshis and 225 years for “Other Backward Castes” (OBC) individuals.”. Still, many of them seemed somewhat different than regular Bengalis, showing more AASI traits, something in between a regular Bengali and an AASI-heavy individual, perhaps in other regions they look different idk. We used 704 general-caste individuals from Birbhum as the focal group, and estimated divergence times for all other individuals. Paschatya Vaidik. I am a sarayupareen brahmin actually.As far as your vatsa gotra is concerned, your veda should be saamaveda, kauthumi shakha and Gobhila Sutra, Upaveda- Gandharva Veda, Shikha-Vaama (left), Pada-Vaama (left).Most importantly the details of your pravara (names of ur rishi) are-Bhaargava, Chyavana, Aapnavaan, Aurva and Jaamadagnya (Pancha Pravara).Since you have same pravara-rishis as of Sarvarni gotra (shoborno as u say in bangla), marriage between these two gotras is prohibited.As a brahmin, you should do Sandhyavandana thrice a day as per your Veda, shakha and sutra. Was it the breakdown / lack of a strict caste based system + mixing with local tribes in the newly settled regions that explains the relative homogeneity in Bangladeshis despite population size? The best approach would be to interview a sample of 20 people per gotra  and see what they can say about their Vedic school and shakha, and then see if it matches with the conclusions above. Glad you shared the details.You may also enjoy reading about migration of Brahmins throughout the ages.Regards. how do we know #1 and #3 are different? Sanyal Lahiri Bagchi are barendra Brahmins., “We focused this work on samples from Birbhum district, West Bengal due to the presence of additional metadata on caste and religion. Agniveshva 2. In recent times the Kayastha have taken advantage of India’s educational system and branched out into many professions that require a high degree of literacy. A nice piece of work. the key is there are *some* individuals who seem to be associated with each other (collected at same time in dhaka) who are ~0% east asian. Also tell other details if possible like branch of sutra etc. A gotra is a lineage, akin to a family name, but the given name of a family is often different from its gotra, and may reflect the traditional occupation, place of residence or other important family characteristic rather than the lineage.. People belonging to a particular gotra may not be of the same caste in the Hindu social system. (d), that analyzed genotypes from some Kulin Kayasthas from West Bengal,,,, Open Thread – 2/20/2021 – Brown Pundits, Major Amin’s Summing up of the 3 Major Indo-Pak Wars, Capsule Review: Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar, Some notes on the accession of Junagadh vs. Kashmir, Farmers vs Government: The Benefits and Limits of Democratic Redistribution, The Confluence of Two Seas: India and Arabia, The Genetics of India Cloubhouse Event – Friday 9 PM CDT, Forgotten Masters: Indian artists during the Raj, Browncast: Keerthik Sasidharan, author of The Dharma Forest, The great drama of battle between light and darkness, Capsule Review: The Ultimate Goal by Vikram Sood. So Kayasthas might not resolve as neatly into AASI, Steppe, Iran HG factors as, say, Brahmins or Jatts. I am really ashamed of this. The only UP_Kayastha sample in the project looks quite Reddy-like due to similar Iran_HG-AASI ratio? The shaunaka atharvaveda was saved at the last moment but in modern India we don't seem to care. The groom's family does not know that, neither do we. Phenotypically, the family looks slightly more NW shifted than average upper caste Bihari. The original rishis after whom the gotras were… However some of his descendants preferred to be Kshatriya or Vaishya. Yajur Veda. My family worships Sokha Baba and we also worship Shiva. Unknown March 15, 2019 at 7:53 PM. our ancestor came from allahabad to jhikhira village of howrah district,his surname was MALAVIYA..he got married to a bengali girl,for this reason he was expelled from MALAVIYA SAMAJ..the zamindar of jhikhira gave him the surname ''raj-chakraborty'', presently we use grandmother said we are gauda-vedic brahmin,not rarhi or varendra...we use the gotra ''shandilya'' question is it originally the MALAVIYAS gotra? Lastly, amongst the Chatterjees there are two Gotras, for eg. Reply. I will look into this and get back to you. Kayastha West Bengal Matrimonial; Kayastha West Bengal community members belong to the upper caste Hindu Bengalis.

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