collecting unemployment while working in another state reddit

Illinois truly sucks!!! With the economy gradually opening back up many unemployed and furloughed workers are slowly heading back into the ranks for the employed via a new job or at their existing employer. They pay u if u make 25% more than your weekly benefit. She first made 50% of her prior wages than 75%, but was still over the max UI threshold. This is very depressing and disheartening, I was in the same boat where I was told that I make too much when I would try to apply for payment, I lost 2 out of my 3 jobs and am currently working part time for my third, however I got and email saying my claim went through and I received payment that week. Once again…. I’m in Ohio and fall into the #UIShole as well. That is nothing! I still work my full time job but it barley covers my bills thats why I have a second job. Can you collect unemployment and sell stuff on Ebay? If I do get these extra hours, should I still file my weekly claim even though I will not get any unemployment compensation for that? Any earnings from employment during the week claimed may reduce the amount of benefits paid. I don’t know if Tim got anywhere, but I have just resolved to do everything in my power to keep my hours under 10 per week so I can qualify. They are basing my disqualification on the initial earnings qualification weekly letter of $167 per week, not the $395 they revised it to after being sent the proper forms they requested. Can our employer prohibit us from obtaining other part time work to make ends meet? The fact people like me are getting bent over and screwed on this level, meanwhile others are getting $600 a WEEK for sitting on their asses, is a HUGE joke. To receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit payments, you must meet all eligibility requirements when filing a claim and when certifying for benefits. I haven’t even been able to access the two weeks they have paid me for. Or how many hours should I work and won’t loss the benefit???? although you qualify….. you are going to be their last in line to be helped. They are saying we are not to work part time elsewhere. yet hours reduced and they Ui approved but disqualified because your reduced hrs and pay exceeds allowed weekly earnings. My income/hours are greatly reduced, I wrote a comment on here on 5/18, not sure where it is. It is truly pathetic and unfair to all of us that fall into this loophole. I risked my health and those that depend on me. If you find out anything please please let me know!! I am a server in the state of georgia. The first $25 or 25 percent (which is greater) of the wages allocated to a week will be disregarded in determining your UI weekly benefit amount. So if your weekly benefit amount is $450 but you earned at least $600 in that week, the full $450 would be deducted leaving $0 left for any unemployment benefits that week. I have been furloughed and filed for unemployment in Florida. My name is Rebecca. I was told that you should get the extra $300 if your original weekly benefit amount is over $100, even if you work part time and the actual payment that week is under $100. I just think we should get somthing from our government for going back to work. Just be careful of saying you had no income as your unemployment is based on your last 12 months of earnings (wage base). In particular the $300 FPUC extra weekly payments and extended PUA/PEUC benefits which require people to earn/qualify for regular state UI benefits to get these supplementary benefits. With the extra $600/wk in play, I have been clearing $1,859 after federal taxes being taken out of my benefits. How is this fair? Earnings over 20% of the weekly benefit amount will reduce the benefit payment dollar for dollar. I live in California as well. Partial unemployment insurance claims may be filed by employers for full-time employees who work less than full-time during a pay period due to lack of work only. I file every week for UI and I got eligible redetermination with excess payments. The reduction of Mary’s earnings by $25 or 25%, whichever is greater is: $25 or 1840×0.25 = $460. TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) If COVID-19 has affected your job, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. I file my claim and it say eligible, Employer “Self Employment PUA”, but my statement of wages is only based on SoSouth. I’m sure that specific attitude in not the problem in America? Even then, working two jobs I will make less than a person who is not willing to work in an essential job at less pay. See also example for CA EDD UI calculations at: As a bartender here in Louisiana, being open during stage one and only allowing 25% capacity In the building. I know money won’t be the same like it used to before March, and that’s why I’m worried. For example, if you qualify for the maximum weekly benefit amount of $240 and you receive $180 in earnings for a week, provided you met the other weekly eligibility requirements, you would receive $90 in weekly state UI benefits. Collecting unemployment insurance does not prevent you from receiving Social Security retirement benefits or vice versa. So I was already paid But then later sent me a letter saying no benefits are payable because during the week you reported excessive earnings. She’s making more than me with a 4 year college degree. It’s the $8 you care about, not how much you actually get paid out. ET. This is a HUGE Loophole! Remember this when you vote. Edited by: maximisses Not only are there no live person … If I had a consecutive two-week furlough, I think I would’ve qualified for payment, because my weekly salary would’ve been $0. Please help us find answers and understand. And that/this is WRONG! I read MA is one of the most generous states when it comes to UI so hopefully you’ll do fine. That’s how I feel. And also will she be eligible for the $600.00 stimulus pandemic. Wow, my foot isnt fully healed yet but I may have to return to flying on my days off if I can get any hours. I didn’t know this and was trying to pick up hours at one job while my other was completely non-existant. I live in Colorado. So you cannot decide you want to study or take time off; and. My wife was declined & was told to go to her regular state UI program after a month of an in-progress status after applying for FPUA. what we will have a job when its all over? 12 cents!!! The liable state will provide the worker with a 1099 form at the end of the tax year to document unemployment benefits. I received the message “Excessive Earnings” and payment is zero. On 5/21/2020, I received my first payments of PUA at $182 per week and the FPUC $600 per week for the week ending 5/17/2020. They then subtract a partial benefit deduction based on your part time weekly wages to determine your weekly partial benefit. Basically, if you make more than $600 a week from a part-time job, you will get $0 in benefits ($600, when reduced by 25%, is $450, so it doesn’t exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount of $450). You seemed to be making good points until your said Covid19 was a lie. . He handles a large airline (many thousands of employees), and is very familiar with EDD law. It still means you can’t pay your mortgage nor your rent or buy food. Based on the example provided above and using the $999 figure, she should still qualify for unemployment. Most people that are sent back to the standard UI system were already denied by it. Will I get the $600 per week because my hours are reduced (Christine)Has anyone determined if workers that are on partial furlough and are making too much on their reduced pay to qualify for unemployment will get the 600.00 anyway? I asked my employer why they were paying me for not working and was only told it was what HR said to do. That will be awful, because l can’t live on the pay for my part-time work….it’s simply not enough to cover my bills. Mary’s weekly earnings are: $1840. Can you help me out? I normally work ~ 50 hrs. or clocked in so i again get paid too much. It is ridiculous that I am working 50% of my hours yet I can’t get any help. The EDD has people working right now that do not understand the rules. Thank you for any assistance. So if you work three days a week, you get 25% of your benefits. Here is an example based on a reader comment. File a claim and and under PUA you may get benefits. But feel free to share your thoughts below of let me know if I missed something. So someone that was making 200$ a week before covid wouldn’t be making 700$ a week for not working. I was collecting $112.00 a week UI benefits from CTDOL plus the $600.00 FPUC payment. Even if it means your pay has been cut 50 60 70%.. I am fighting the same battle! I am confused and hoping someone can help. I’m caught in the loop hole. Thanks for confirming this. Something should be done to compensate us for what we have lost. Anyone else in this same situation? This article was last updated on January 23. The number of people already collecting state jobless benefits, meanwhile, declined by 126,000 to a seasonally adjusted 5.07 million. So even though some workers are seeing a significant drop in income by having to work fewer hours due to a partial furlough or having to go part time, their income over the last year (or relevant qualifying period) in many states will still be far higher than the partial payment they could get from unemployment insurance. But she is only offering me 10 hours a week which is not nearly enough income to make ends meet (I was formerly full-time before all this started). So if you pay check was 274$ you would get that plus 1$ plus 600$ equaling 875$ a week. your reply is highly appreciated. Spitting in the face of the Americans that are keeping this country running. And my other part time jobs -24 hours / total 40 hours /My benefit is $450 and My income $570 (week) / my question is What’s the maximum hours i can work per week so i could still receive the 600 per week? Earnings equal to or over the benefit amount will result in no benefits for that week. One of my part-time jobs ended Feb 28, and the other dwindled through Feb, March to nothing in April. If this number is positive, it is the partial benefits. If your gross weekly wages are equal to or more than your weekly benefit amount, you will not be paid benefits for that week. Which one if any should I pay back? you are screwed if your earnings are “considered” high by the minions working at EDD. I work FT as one of about 8 RN’s in a cardiac clinic in Colorado. Your email address will not be published. This whole situation just sucks I’m taking home a $1000 less per payday. Hertz, my employer wants me back part time. Therefore, no benefits. I am from PA, and I am also one of the unlucky ones that fall into this loophole that our government has overlooked. Thank you for providing it and for presenting the tangle of programs, dates and eligibility requirements in a clear, concise and understandable manner that has saved me from further waste of time trying to recover FPUC benefits prior to 4/5/2020 for which I am not eligible, though I am still due the PUA waived waiting week amount of $182. I am collecting unemployment in California. Coverage Dates for the Extended PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC, Will Unemployment Benefits be Extended Again, Getting UI if I Have Exhausted Balance or Zero Weeks, Why Is It Taking So Long To Get My Tax Refund, Claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit (missing Stimulus Check Payment), Contacting IRS for Missing Stimulus Check, Veterans, Retirees and Disability Stimulus Checks, MN Department of Employment and Economic Development, MO Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, NV Dept. I’m confused I thought the first 25 percent doesn’t count and I’m Still under the weekly benefit amount . If you are already collecting, notify the state paying your benefits of your new address and continue to claim through that state’s website as normal after you’ve moved. I’m in the same situation. Your email address will not be published. Thanks. And if so, will this stop my $600 weekly stimulus? Like to read about programming without seeing a constant flow of technology and political news into your proggit? With a similar situation? You can't claim for part of a week when you are on vacation. What’s the maximum hours i can work per week so i could still receive the 600 per week? I am making less than all my friends who aren’t working! Is there anything I can do in order to at least fight for those weeks that I havent got? I tried to ask my employer to be aware that this will affect me personally. So I get 650$ a week to call in one day. I work 20-22 hours a week. Bills and utilities to keep on. I have a neighbor that just turned 16 in Nov, got a job at a restaurant approx 8 hours/week making maybe $75/week. I do not want to have to rely on government assistance but I feel that my employer is forcing me to do so by offering so few hours. Because I worked 24hour/week rate 13.25$/hour. Technically I’m getting $0 because of taxes being taken out. ”. What you said is not correct. Do you think I’d still be able to get partial credit? Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong! WORKED IN AN ASSISTED LIVING COMPLEX AND WAS FURLOUGHED FOR HEALTH AND AGE REASONS…..I PUT IN 3 WEEKS OF CLAIMS AND RECEIVED A REPLY FROM MY LAST CLAIM..RELEASE BY 5/26….THERE WAS A 0 NEXT TO THE $$600 RELEASE …WHY DID I GET 0 AMOUNT….?? 25X13=325 (25 hours @ $13 =$325…so $325+$199 (tips)= $524. My employer is aware that if I work over 8 hours a week I will earn too much to qualify for my allocated amount of state UI ($119) and get the extra $600. Your earnings before the reduced hours must be below $85,000 per year. that is not true at all $300 was back for 6 weeks right after that with money redirected from defense funds. A simple email pointing where the discrepancy is all you need. (the second-lowest anywhere in the United States), even a dollar more disqualifies him for unemployment and PUA. I wasn’t able to get it because out of about 6 servers 2 didn’t came back to work and the rest keeps calling out to reduce their hours in order for them to get their extra money. My hours were cut due to COVID-19 and I filed for an unemployment claim… I was told that I had to certify for benefits on 04/20/20. Probably could have saved a ton of call volume, paperwork and headaches. For example, if you make $1,000 a week, reduce that by 25%, and you’re left with $750. That’s an awesome idea! Hope that makes sense. Hi all They told me I would not get it for reduction in salary because it wasnt under Indiana WBA so you have to make maximum of 389 to get it a week if you get the max. But you would win an appeal. I dont know what to do and I think its unfair to have my job cut I rely on heavily due to the pandemic and I not be eligible for even $1. It’s a mess. I work for a hospital and they are taking out health insurance and fees for the parking garage. I make $500 per week after my hours were cut. This is exactly my situation, I’m working reduced hours but make just barely over the $275 weekly maximum so I don’t get unemployment. I began substitute teaching more to compensate. I’m not trying to poke holes in what you’re are saying, I would just like to get some more information. if your hours are further reduced) and eventually qualify for benefits. For those on the same field as i do, we all know that our income fluctuates depends on tips. Is there financial relief coming for those who are in the UISHOLE? I reported that. HUGE relief. They may stop. The california EDD form only goes up to 999.99. Essentially as your earnings go up, your unemployment benefit decreases until it reaches a point where you’re no longer eligible for assistance that week. a simple explanation; if your pay has been drastically reduced but still make $241 a week currently and you apply in Arizona, you’re not eligible to receive anything. Bi-weekly take-home pay is usually from $1,100 to $1,300 depending on overtime. Well I did. Between $25 and $460, $460 is greater. My weekly benefit rate is $372 + $112 for Partial Unemployment. ET. Anyone earning more than $600 p/week or $32,000 per year would not be eligible for regular state unemployment and hence not eligible for the additional $600 FPUC payment. His payroll was cut 40%. People that never worked a day in there life is getting $800 a week and we had to go to work thru the whole shut down working reduced hours and get NOTHING!!! I was a 40 hour per week employee, and paid biweekly. Pats on the back. I have been collecting unemployment since 3\8. unemployment benefit and the average weekly wage, which was $981 in February. Unfortunately, the Maximum Weekly Benefit amount in AL is only $275 GROSS!!! So I am still getting exposed and if I want to qualify for UI I have to make sure I work as few hours as I possibly can. The federal bonus will automatically start Sunday, paying $300 per week for all eligible weeks since Dec. 27. I was furloughed from my job but expected to come in and work if needed or get let go. Now I get why they should sent me an excessive earnings letter months ago for my first two weeks. So if some works 38hrs makes 50$ more than their maximum benefit they make 375$ a week. So do I not qualify at all? I lost my eligibility and I will not be receiving any of the CARES funds. you qualify and will eventually receive your benefits. I cannot get through at all. Heres the kick in the **ts if I call in one day a week it puts me under my maximum benefit amout and I get 50$ unemployment and 600$. Thankfully, I have savings to help out, and I know other people are in worse situations. I am still not making enough to cover my bills. If the deductible amount equals or exceeds the WBA, the claimant would not be unemployed and would not get any benefit. My husband’s pay/hours have been reduced. Good for her! You don’t qualify for unemployment benefits in California just because your hours have been reduced by 25% and you normally made less than $85,000 per year. Warnings Be sure to provide accurate information, especially address and telephone information, to prevent unnecessary delays in collecting benefits. So if you were making 700$ a week and now your making 400$ you’d get 300$ instead of nothing. I have been told by my employer that there may be random weeks that I will receive additional hours as we start working back to “normal” . I actually thought there was a formula so you could receive a portion of your weekly benefit amount if your wages exceeded. It just doesn’t make logical sense to me. Meanwhile there are people collecting way more money than they would normally receive. This whole scenario is so crazy. Now many states, like PA and CA, offer Partial Unemployment Benefit Credits and provisions to offset the impacts of the part time unemployment hole, but in many higher income states this won’t make much of an impact. Wishing you good fortune, I hope you make the most of your time and skills. Weekly earnings will impact your weekly benefit amount. ‍♀️. Because my gross is over $397 I don’t get a single penny from unemployment. I would take me six weeks working reduced hours to pay my bills for June. Does anyone know? See our. I started a new job full time . Just to make it fare to us middle class workers who always get shafted. Because I work full time and take in a mere 602.00 a week before taxes snd deductions I now get no unemployment. I disagree with trying to drive people to come in for non essential care and I just don’t like my current company enough to be forced to keep their company afloat at my own expense and wind up unable to pay bills unless I eat through all my savings. So for someone who gets the maximum weekly benefit amount of $450, would be paid a reduced amount of $375. My experience with the NY State DOL applying for UI during the COVID-19 pandemic. would that exceed the the $450? I thought I wouldn’t qualify for edd anymore nonetheless get the extra $600 a week because I made my calculations. How are partial Unemployment Compensation Benefits computed? Even better I am actually working for free. Indiana weekly max is $390. If I dont have to cover someone shift or most of the time i am working by myself (of course this will add tip on me but wore me out to the core) I would have also qualify for 600. Like most details about unemployment benefits, the specifics of working part-time will vary based on your state. I have a payment pending of 694.00 for the other week, in which somehow I claimed 616.20 (which should have been lower since my holiday pay was prorated). This is completely unfair to the American worker. If the partial benefit amount does not come to an even dollar, it is raised to the next higher dollar, provided it does not exceed your weekly benefit amount. You may. Required fields are marked *. With their plan we would of got whatever the difference was from our normal check. I’ll leave you to go find a tissue to wipe the government spit out of your hard working eyes. Approved for two weeks, then denied for “Excessive Earnings.”. i tried to do that, and my boss wont let me cut my hours, and can get the benefits because That said, each state runs their unemployment insurance systems a little differently, so the exact rules on eligibility and benefits can vary from state to state. . We aren’t going to make money like we used to and we won’t qualify for edd benefits anymore. But I understand your frustration. I too was left out and making less working reduced hours than those laid off bringing in more money than me! if i start working part time, and when my benefit is reduced from $231 to below $100, am i still qualify for extra $300? But partial unemployment benefits are calculated based on the number of days you work, not the number of hours. I would recommend anyone receiving the lack of support through EDD contact your local elected officials to bring light to the subject. I broke my foot at my flight attendant job, so have been out on LOA. The whole system surrounding the benefits was clearly not thought out. I cant just call in every week. But then they would take $7 for federal tax out, and then $1 benefit reduction. I’m receiving my weekly amount, plus the $600 fed stimulus check. That’s a new pandemic low for continuing claims. I had a full time job earning $800 a week but lost it because of Covid19. I reported a total of $524 for 1 week and I thought for sure I wouldn’t get anything. While collecting unemployment, you can work part-time; however, you must work less than four days a week, earning less than $405 to receive unemployment benefits. That amount, called the partial UI deduction, equals $116 ($180-$64). Hi, i live in CA and currently have 0 balance on my benefit, however EDD files PEUC automatically for me, and waiting to pop up on my edd website. My state is paying the additional $600 per week retroactive to 4\4, and they are paying it out week ending 5\3. During lengthy recessions, that could mean someone who only had sporadic work or was unemployed for the whole year may qualify for a much smaller benefit, if any benefit at all. satisfy your state’s minimum earning or work requirements to quality for unemployment benefits. I just got notice that three of the weeks I claimed in July I reported excessive earnings at 616.32 gross income for one week. The company says if I wan’t to be full time I should try to “drive business”, I am a physical therapist in OP. My initial claim was in July ‍♀️. It was 4 weeks from application to the bank deposit for my first certified week, an astounding turnaround considering the circumstances. I had the option to stay home entirely SMH! I live in Texas and I kind of have the same problem. Frustrating! Speak to an Employment Attorney. The state does pay partial benefits, and working part-time and filing allows you to extend your unemployment claims period. I am most definitely eligible even though California EDD says I am not. Based on CA rules, where the maximum unemployment benefits is $450, the most someone could earn in a week is $600 before they lose all regular and enhanced UI benefits (see more details and comments in this article) Note – This table is still being updated on a state by state basis. All claimants must report payments from their employer for wages paid, sick leave, vacation leave, COVID-19 payment and payments from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Thank you for the article! If I work about 8 hours less a week and make less in tips, would I still be able to qualify for edd benefits? Thank you for this article it is very helpful in guiding my decision-making during this difficult time. So now that employee refuses to come back to work. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) – 2021 Extension Delays and Unable to File Clams Despite a Zero Balance. I’m one of the few idiots in my office that didn’t come up with an excuse to avoid coming back to work when they offered us full time again. over the limit for unemployment and was thus denied all benefits or stimulus. Unemployment benefits are not just when you lose your job, you can also get it if your income has fallen. Thank you for this article and so much feedback from those on the same boat with part-time furlough. getting away with collecting unemployment while working reddit. I too even though working reduced hours do not qualify for 600.00 stimulus even tho I was working as an essential worker before we lost all of our patients. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. My boss want me back to work . You da man. I was full laid off, I collect $21 in unemployment and $600. With the extra $600 a week plus state unemployment benefits, several people will be earning more on unemployment than working. for $710/wk. Went from fulltime to now 24 hours at a new job and they denied any pay this week. The Colorado unemployment website states: You must be unemployed or your hours are reduced to fewer than 32 hours a week and earning less than the weekly amount unemployment pays you because of COVID-19.” Can someone please elaborate on this? I agree they’re sitting on their asses doing nothing we’re out here risking our lives for what an can’t get nothing but shutter on by the government not fair. The Department of Labor released its weekly report on new jobless claims Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. I would file a complaint with the Attorney Generals office in Washington D.C, along with a complaint of fraud. I am absolutely disheartened and disgusted with the fact that people who are not working during the pandemic (so they are not facing any COVID risks,) are getting their uc benefits plus an additional 600 per week on top of that, and they are making in a week more than I am in two weeks for working eight days. I got my hours cut due to Covid19 and I wasn’t getting unemployment because I was making $20 too much for my weekly benefit so I give away 1 shift a week and then I qualify for my benefit plus the $600. Also in this article on Partial unemployment quals by state The above article made me hopeful that my wife would potentially get unemployment benefits, but it appears as if that is not the case. I called they said they don’t know when its coming? I reached out to Kyrsten Sinema’s office and they are supposedly checking into my case with DES. Trying to make it so I am to working more than like 6 hrs a week as discreetly as possible. Anyway, now that she has a weekly income (and significant savings), and significant time on her hands, she has been going on all kinds of long trips while she is collecting unemployment. Which could make them worse overall. Do I qualify for benefits even partially?

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