is wlw aave

Inclusion is sometimes called Inclusiveness and allows individuals or groups to feel safe, respected, motivated, and engaged. Ace — Lacking sexual attraction to others. Color Blind(ness) — Color Blind(ness) or being Color Blind means treating people as equally as possible without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity. What do you call a non-binary person? I started keeping a list of these D&I (“Diversity & Inclusion”) terms for Ongig’s clients and decided to put them all in one place in this glossary below. Kokomo Tribune (Newspaper) - March 25, 1929, Kokomo, Indiana PAGE HOBT THE KOKOMO DAILY TRIBUNE MONDAY MABCH 25 ITUHI SBSMS KOKO nun m COKFEBENCC members of the and Junior World Wide of First Baptist church of this city went to Camden Saturday night to take part to the annual rally of the Jodsoa Association missinsi meet tag bald daring afternoon and … i.e. The goal of allyship is to create a culture in which the marginalized group feels supported. Allyship is part of the anti-oppression or anti-racist conversation, which puts into use social justice theories and ideals. Chicanx is a gender-neutral term used in the place of Chicano or Chicana. ADA  — ADA is an abbreviation for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reverse Racism — Reverse Racism is perceived discrimination against a dominant group or majority. based on gender. Ethnic Minorities — Used in the UK when referring to all ethnic groups except the “White British Group. Gender Spectrum — Gender Spectrum refers to the idea that there are many different genders, besides male and female. medicine: ‘WLW’ was never aave at any point in time. Gender Neutral — Gender Neutral, or Gender Neutrality, means that policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing roles based on sex or gender in order to avoid discrimination. Its also used by trans and non-binary people. “Person with a Disability” is a more inclusive, less biased term to describe someone who is disabled. Decolonization — Decolonization refers to the active resistance against colonial powers from indigenous culture groups. CD&I — Acronym for Culture, Diversity and Inclusion. Racial and Ethnic Identity — Racial and Ethnic Identity refers to a person’s experience of being a member of an ethnic and racial group. Cultural Identity — Cultural Identity means the identity or feeling of belonging to a group based on nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality, or other types of social groups that have their own distinct culture. Senior Technical Recruiter, Diversity Equity Inclusion Lead). Pronouns — Pronouns (in the context of diversity) are consciously chosen phrases that people use to represent their gender identity. if you are straight, white, or a man: no. Corporate Social Responsibility — Corporate Social Responsibility means to practice positive corporate citizenship to make a positive impact on communities, not just focusing on maximizing profits. Needadli Nahin Aave Sari Raat MP3 Song by Chhaya Ganguli from the movie Bhakti Sudha. AAVE is a dialect of American English characterized by pronunciations and vocabulary used by some North American Black people and is a variation of Standard American English. Covert Racism — Covert Racism is an indirect behavior used to express racist attitudes or ideas in hidden or subtle forms. Marginalization — Marginalization means to exclude, ignore, or relegate a group of people to an unimportant or powerless position in society. Imposter Syndrome — Imposter Syndrome is common in members of underrepresented groups. Bicultural — Bicultural is a term that refers to people who possess the values, beliefs, languages, and behaviors of two distinct ethnic or racial groups. Anti-Racist Ideas — Anti-Racist ideas refer to the assumption that racial groups are equals despite their differences. AAVE — AAVE is an acronym for African American Vernacular English. Gender Non-Conforming (GNC)  — Gender Non-Conforming sometimes called Gender-Variant is a term used to describe a person who does not conform to society’s expectations of gender expression. Another similar acronym is QTIPOC which stands for Queer, Transgender, and Intersex People of Color. people understand that Spanish speakers speak different dialects of the Spanish language but don’t understand that black people speak a dialect of the English language Zi/Hir — Zi/Hir are gender-inclusive pronouns used to avoid relying on gender binary based language or making assumptions about people’s gender. The company Slack, for example, uses “Equity” in some job titles (e.g. Alaska Native — Alaska Native is a term for the indigenous people of Alaska. Who coined the phrase ‘Unity in Diversity’? The abbreviation Enby is sometimes used as an alternative to NB. MTF — MTF is an acronym for the Male-to-Female Spectrum. Heteroflexible — A person who identifies as straight but may have occasional homosexual activity. For example, women, people of color, or indigenous people. Black vs. BIPOC vs. African American vs. POC vs. BAME. ENTERCOM'S KEZW-A (EZ 1430 TIMELESS MUSIC)/DENVER is now sports talk THE BET 1430AM a part of the BETQL AUDIO NETWORK and CBS SPORTS RADIO … Our mission here at Ongig is to transform your job descriptions to attract top-tier and diverse talent. safe space for black wlw (including black trans women and black woman aligned nonbinary people!) 1910-current, May 11, 1930, Page NINE, Image 9, brought to you by University of North Texas; Denton, TX, … Cisgender (CIS) — Cisgender means a person whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. Gay — Gay is an umbrella term used to refer to people who experience a same-sex or same-gender attraction. African American — The term African American refers to people in the United States who have ethnic origins to Africa. Transphobia — Transphobia means fear, hatred, or discrimination towards people who identify as Transgender. Karen — Karen is a common stereotype of white women who use privilege to demand something out of the scope of what is necessary. Neurodiversity has since broadened to include people with: What does it mean to be on the spectrum? not sure about the rest. ERG — ERG stands for Employee Resource Group. *this does include straight black people. In-Group Bias — In-Group Bias is when people respond more positively to people from their “in-groups” than they do for people from “out-groups”. Accountability — Accountability refers to ways individuals and communities hold themselves to their goals and actions, while acknowledging the values and groups to which they are responsible. @mechanicalkaiju @L0VETTES the worst part is like, everyone on tiktok has a serious issue with just taking what anyone says and running for it. femmefactss. The Evolution and Future of Diversity at Work, Why We’ve Stopped Saying “Culture Fit” and What We’re Saying Instead. What “Cultural Add” really means in the World of Recruiting (+Why it’s so Important), San Francisco official proposes ‘CAREN Act,’ making racially biased 911 calls illegal, Here’s an A-Z of all the LGBTQ+ words and phrases you need to know, cultural, political or religious affiliation, the lack of same-sex couples in media or advertising, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Order). Linguistic Markers in WLW Flirting Speech Patterns as Identity Constructors Across Social Media Platforms Fun, Cool, Hip Title Here: AAVE Usage in Twitter Memes Femme — Femme is a gender identity where a person has an awareness of cultural standards of femininity and actively carries out a feminine appearance or role. Privilege — Privilege (in the context of diversity) means an unearned social power for members of a dominant group of society including benefits, entitlements, or a set of advantages in society. is this blog trans-inclusive? biracial black wlw who are mixed with white (or anything else for that matter) are still black. The term Queer includes gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Race — What does race mean? Oppression — Oppression refers to systemic and institutional abuse of power by a dominant or privileged group at the expense of targeted, less privileged groups. Accessibility — Accessibility is the term for making a facility usable by people with physical disabilities. Classism — Classism is a term that means to have prejudicial thoughts or to discriminate against a person or group based on differences in socioeconomic status and income level. Equity and equality are usually alternatives to “inclusion”. Ableism — Ableism means the practices or dominant attitudes by a society that devalue or limit the potential for people with disabilities. Roma Traveller — A recognized ethnic group in the UK under the Race Relations Act. Belonging means to have a sense of social connection and identification with others. Or a woman that becomes a man? Communities of Color — Communities of Color is used in the United States to describe groups of people who are not identified as White, with emphasis on common experiences of racism. Many First Nations people prefer to define or identify themselves by their specific tribal affiliations. BME stands for Black [and Asian] & Minority Ethnic and is commonly used in the UK, interchangeably with BAME. Black Lives Matter — Black Lives Matter is a movement that addresses systemic racism and violence against African Americans and other groups with ties to Black culture. Mixed Race means a person who has parents that belong to different racial or ethnic groups. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Dec 5, 2017 #1. jackieup ... Ebonics Is Trending on Twitter Because AAVE Is A White Washed Term Born2BeQueen posted Aug 3, 2020 at 7:30 PM. All parties may be involved with each other or only with a specific person. Black ethnic group — A phrase used in the UK to describe a person who identifies as Black. FTM is used by people who are assigned female at birth but identify with or express their gender as a male part of the time. What is the politically correct term for a transvestite? Ableism is the act of giving inferior value or worth to people who have different types of disabilities (physical, emotional, developmental, or psychiatric). A person’s sex may vary from their gender identity. Transvestite — A person who dresses as the binary opposite gender expression. Amplification — Amplification is a term used for the techniques a person uses to give a member of a less dominant group more credit by repeating their message. These may include mentoring, protecting, or promoting. People of Color — People of Color, or Person of Color, is a phrase used in the United States to describe people who are not white and is meant to be inclusive of non-white groups, with emphasis on common experiences of racism. The abbreviation for Cisgeneder is CIS. all the terf rhetoric, misusing aave, and a lot more i cant even begin with. Some companies also use the words “equity” (Slack) and “equality” (Salesforce) in their diversity titles. Diaspora — Diaspora is either voluntary or forcible movement of people from their homelands into new regions. Power — Power (in the context of diversity) is considered to be unequally distributed globally due to the following things: Prejudice — Prejudice means to pre-judge or have a negative attitude towards one type of person or group because of stereotypes or generalizations. Microaggression — Microaggression is a term that describes daily behavior (verbal or nonverbal) that communicates hostile or negative insults towards a group, either intentionally or unintentionally, particularly culturally marginalized groups. Cissexual — Cissexual is a term that refers to a person who identifies with the same biological sex that they were assigned at birth. Diversity & Inclusion terms are an important piece of attracting diverse talent. Allyship — Allyship is the process in which people with privilege and power work to develop empathy towards to advance the interests of an oppressed or marginalized outgroup. @stateofcammi @_lilj16 ugh tiktok has such a problem with shadowbanning wlw content its so upsetting. The effects of Structural Racism usually create advantages for white people and oppression or disadvantages for people of color. Caren Act — “CAREN Act” (Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies). These differences can be related to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, class, or other social groups. Irish Traveller — A recognized ethnic group in the UK under the Race Relations Act. Color Brave — Color Brave is when a person has conversations about race that can help people better understand each other’s perspectives and experiences to improve inclusiveness in future generations. It took me 15 episodes to muster up the motivation to actually write properly about this but here we are anyways. Diversity — Diversity is defined as individual differences between groups based on such things as: Which term is a synonym for diversity? Sexual Orientation — Sexual Orientation refers to the sex(es) or gender(es) a person is connected to emotionally, physically, sexually, or romantically. HBCU — HBCU is an acronym that stands for “Historically Black Colleges and Universities”. It’s used by such organizations as University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), American Library Association and the National Institutes of Health. Sponsorship — Sponsorship is an action by allies that are taken to advance the career of members of marginalized groups. QPOC — What is QPOC? Colonization — Colonization refers to forms of invasion, dispossession, or controlling an underrepresented group. Home; Home; STUD. What Is An Affinity Group? Gender Identity may or may not correspond with their birth assigned sex. The phrase “Diversity and Inclusion” (D&I) is not always used in the same order. Creating ERGs are often a part of a company’s Steps to Implement a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. Asian-American  — Asian-American is a term that means to have origins in Asia or the Indian subcontinent. To. Wikipedia says a Karen would: “demand to “speak to the manager”, anti-vaccination beliefs, being racist, or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle. The more politically correct term is “Cross-dresser”. Alaska Natives consist of over 200 federally recognized tribes who speak 20 different languages. @mechanicalkaiju @L0VETTES the worst part is like, everyone on tiktok has a serious issue with just taking what anyone says and running for it. (e.g., “person with a disability” vs. “disabled”). Integration — Integration is when an individual maintains their own cultural identity while also becoming a participant in a host culture. Posted by catchtwentyeight Oct 18, 2020 Oct 19, 2020 Posted in S Tags: lgbt, lgbtqia+, stud. Wimmin — Wimmin is a nonstandard spelling of the word “women” used by feminists in an effort to avoid the word ending “-men”. Values Fit — Values Fit is being used in the place of Culture Fit to identify the connection of shared goals rather than viewpoints or background. A Guide for the Workplace, 12 Diversity & Inclusion Terms You Need to Know, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Glossary of Terms, Diversity and Inclusivity Glossary of Terms, An Incomplete Guide to Inclusive Language for Startups and Tech, Which is the correct term? Gender Expression — Gender Expressions means that a person shows external displays of gender (masculine or feminine) based on one or more of the following: Gender Fluid — What do you call someone who is Gender Fluid? Gender Dysphoria — Gender Dysphoria is a phrase used to describe a feeling of discomfort that occurs in people whose gender identity differs from their birth assigned sex. Drag Queen/King — A drag queen performs femininity, in a comedy or in a pageant for entertainment. Cross-Dresser — Cross-Dresser refers to people who wear clothing that is traditionally associated with a different gender than the one they identify with. It is commonly used as an acronym in the United States to describe people who are not white. Non-White — Using this phrase in the UK is not recommended according to the GOV.UK Writing About Ethnicity Style Guide “because defining groups in relation to the White majority was not well received in user research.”. According to Wikipedia: “The word “race”, interpreted to mean an identifiable group of people who share a common descent, was introduced into English in about 1580, from the Old French rasse (1512), from Italian razza.”. People-First Language (PFL) — People-first language puts a person before a diagnosis or way of being. Inuit — Inuit is a term used to describe a member of an indigenous group from northern Canada and parts of Greenland and Alaska. Race is a social term that is used to divide people into distinct groups based on characteristics like: When was the term race first used? Unity — Unity in Diversity is an expression of harmony between dissimilar individuals or groups. Disabled People — An inclusive replacement phrase used in the UK for “the disabled” or “people with disabilities”. Mike Pence's post-White House plans come into focus. Intersectionality — Intersectionality means to intertwine social identities like gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity which causes unique opportunities, barriers, experiences, or social inequality. Host Culture — Host Culture refers to the dominant culture in a place people live in after leaving their home country. As always, a disclaimer to say that I’m not a professionally trained translator (although I’ve done a fair amount of translation work) and translation is a subjective art that (as we see so wonderfully portrayed in the drama) depends as much on the translator’s own … Submitted by: Anna from United States on 18/10/2016. can I use it? Coming Out — Coming Out is a phrase used to define the process of making others aware of one’s sexual orientation, and is also known as Coming Out of the Closet. Gypsies (Gypsy Travellers) — A recognized ethnic group in the UK under the Race Relations Act. I didn’t…until I looked it up! Transfeminine — Transfeminine describes a person who identifies as “trans” but identifies their gender expression as feminine. Reclaimed Language — Reclaimed Language is language that has traditionally been used to degrade certain groups, but members of the community have reclaimed and used as their own. Avoid the outdated phrases: transvestite and transsexual. QPOC is an acronym for Queer People of Color used in the UK and Canada. Xenophobia — Xenophobia is prejudice or a dislike for people from other countries. Polyamory — The consensual practice of intimate relationships with multiple partners. Imposter Syndrome is present when high-achieving individuals are in constant fear of being exposed as a fraud and are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Womxn is also meant to be inclusive of trans women, and some non-binary people. Oppositional Sexism — Oppositional Sexism is the belief that femininity and masculinity are rigid and exclusive categories. MTF is used to describe people who are assigned the male gender at birth but identifies or express their gender as a female all or part of the time. if you’re looking to be educated about the d slur, ask a black lesbian! Example 1: This clip was categorized under “Few” words being picked up; in the beginning of the segment, the speaker actually says it’s a whole buncha people in New York that we know from. This is not bisexuality because a straight person doesn’t experience same-sex attraction. no racism, no white people, no terfs, no swerfs, no men. ~★~ Jam has grown up learning that her town was filled with monsters. the term wlw includes lesbians especially, bi women, pan … Restorative Justice — Restorative Justice is an effort to repair the harm caused by crime and conflict related to bias or racism. So the 16 year old kid who first heard the word dyke spoken by a black dude in his neighborhood assigns it to AAVE. Intersex — Intersex means to be born with a combination of male and female biological traits. Dominant Culture — Dominant Culture is a term that refers to the cultural beliefs, values, and traditions that are based on those of a dominant society. ADOS is a group that seeks to reclaim and restore the critical national character of the African American identity and experience in the United States. while the term was invented by a black woman, it’s not aave. Listen to Chhaya Ganguli Bedardi Tohe Darad Na Aave MP3 song. Cultural Appropriation — Cultural Appropriation means the act of stealing cultural elements for a person’s own use or profit. Filipinx — Filipinx means a person who is a national of the Philippines, or a person of Filipino descent. Non-Binary is a term used to describe people who identify with a gender that is not exclusively male or female or is in between both genders. you wil be blocked. Workforce Diversity —  Workforce Diversity means having a group of employees with similarities and differences like age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. don't comment on our posts if you aren't a black wlw. Chicanx — Chicanx means a person related to Mexican Americans or their culture. Collusion — Collusion is when a person acts to perpetuate oppression or prevent people from working to eliminate oppression. so its not a myth la, this coming from people working at tiktok itself Gender Queer — Gender Queer, or Genderqueer, is a catch-all term for people who have non-binary gender identities. NB — NB is an acronym for nonbinary (people who do not identify their gender as male or female). Black is often used interchangeably with African American in the United States. Metrosexual — Metrosexual means refers to a well-groomed style for non-queer men that is a mix of the words “heterosexual” and “metropolitan”. Biracial — Biracial is a term for mixed race. Implicit Bias — What is Implicit Bias? Anti-Black — Anti-Black refers to the marginalization of Black People and the unethical disregard for anti-Black institutions and policies. Métis — Métis is a French word that refers to someone with mixed ancestry. ... (WLW) Women-Loving-Women: An umbrella term … Multicultural Competency — Multicultural Competency refers to the process of learning about other cultures and becoming allies with people from different backgrounds. Trans*/Trans+ — An umbrella term for a person whose gender identity is not the same as their assigned sex. Biphobia — Biphobia means to have an irrational fear, hatred, or intolerance for people who identify as bisexual. Popular synonyms are “mixture”, “variance”, “difference”, and “un-alike”. ⭐️ “Monsters don't look like anything, That's the whole point. Walmart, the U.S. Navy and others use CD&I to describe their overall diversity initiatives. What does it mean to be non-binary? What Does It Mean to Be Non-Binary or Have Non-Binary Gender? Culture Add — Culture Add refers to people who value company culture and standards, as well as bringing an aspect of diversity that positively contributes to the organization. Ally — Ally is a term for people who advocate for individuals from underrepresented or marginalized groups in a society. The thing is, I'd say probably well over 50% of the words they claim are AAVE aren't. EEO is part of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Greygender — A person with strong ambivalence about their gender identity and expression. yes, but do understand this space is not centered around you. Stereotype — A Stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group or category of people. POC — POC stands for People of Color. Online roots of the term TERF originated in the late 2000s but grew out of 1970s radical feminist circles after it became apparent that there needed to be a term to separate radical feminists who support trans women and those who don’t.

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