probability cards questions class 10

(4, 2) (4, 3) (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (6, 1) (6, 2) i.e., 25 Number of outcomes when sum is even = 18 [(1, 1), (1, 3) …(6, 6)] P(E) = P (number greater than 4) = \(\frac{2}{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{3}\) Find the probability that the drawn card is neither a king nor a queen. Question 36. ∴ Favourable number of elementary events Solution: Required Probability =8/36=2/9, 2012 If one ball is drawn at random from the bag, find the probability that it is not red. MCQ Questions For Class 10 Maths Probability Question 2. So, P(G) = \(\frac{36}{36}\) = 1. HHT, HTH, THH) MCQ On Probability Class 10 Question 1. Number of total possible outcomes = 4 ∴ Probability of getting a spade = \(\frac{13}{52}\) = \(\frac{1}{4}\), (vi) Since, there is only one queen of diamonds. A box contains 80 discs which are numbered from 1 to 80. (i) Odd number Three unbiased coins are tossed together. Now, Ramesh will lose the game if he gets Solution: Number of cards neither a king nor a queen = 52 – 8 = 44. Out of 52 cards, one card can be drawn in 52 ways. 3 or 1, Question 1. Solution: Question 1. Number of red marbles = 40 Class 10 Maths MCQs on Chapter 15- Probability are provided here with answers and their detailed solutions. Required probability =11/18, Question 53. What is theprobability that the card drawn is either red or a king" plus 956 more questions from Mathematics. A coin is tossed two times. What is the probability that the same number will come up either time? Find the probability that the card selected will be: (i) an even number (ii) a multiple of 3 (iii) an even number and a multiple of 3 Question 54. of cards in the box = 18 Favourable outcomes for drawing a king are 4. Number of total cards from 1 to 20 = 20 C: Cards with an odd number less than 30. Number of toal possible outcomes when one card is drawn = 52 Total outcomes HHT, HTH, THH, TTH, THT, HTT 0 . Find the probability of getting a black queen. Solution: Find the probability that the sum of the two numbers appearing on the top of the dice is 7. Find theprobability of getting neither a red card nor a queen. P(Choosing a consonant) =21/26. HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, TTH, TTT, THT, HTT). (ii) 5 will come up at least once? Answer/ Explanation. Removed red colour cards = 3×2 = 6 Find the probability of getting neither a red card nor a queen. Probability of getting the sum of numbers appearing on two dice is 10=3/36=1/12, Question 33. Solution: No. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. A bag contains cards numbered from 1 to 49. The probability of getting a spade card from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards is. On each spin, each sector has equal chance of selection by the arrow. Find the probability of getting both heads or both tails. Question 37. (i) 5 will not come up either time? Short Answer Type Questions I [2 Marks], Question 42. is divisible by 9 and is a perfect square. 20 tickets, on which numbers 1 to 20 are written, are mixed thoroughly and then a ticket is drawn at random out of them. Two dice are thrown. Students can solve NCERT Class 10 Maths Statistics MCQs with Answers to know their preparation level. Possible outcomes HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, TTT, TTH, THT, HTT Find the probability that Ramesh will lose the game. (2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 3), (6, 2) (see figure) Two different dice are thrown at the same time. x can be any one of 1, 2, 3 or 4 andy can be any one of 1, 4, 9 or 16. Solution: Solution: Solution: ∴ Favourable number of elementary events = 26 A shirt is taken out of the box at random. Solution: Solution: Find the probability that the card drawn is neither an ace nor a king. (ii) a multiple of 5. So, total favourable cases are 2, 4, 6, 3. ∴ Probability for Apoorv getting the number 36 4, Question 75. The probability of the first event happening is 13/52. (ii) Favourable outcomes are When three coins are tossed following is the sample space: One marble is taken out of the box at random. of favourable outcomes = 4 Product of the number on the dice is prime number, i.e., 2, 3, 5. No. Class 10 Maths MCQs Chapter 14 Statistics. = \(\frac{3}{4}\). Question 4. Therefore, card drawn will be a red card or a king if it is any one of 28 cards (26 red cards and 2 black kings). Cards bearing numbers 1,3,5,,,,35 are kept in a bag. three heads or three tails) and loses otherwise. What is the probability that the drawn card is the queen? All the black face cards are removed from a pack of 52 playing cards. Possible outcomes when three coins are tossed HHH, HHT, HTT, TTT, THH, TTH, HTH, THT. What is the probability of getting a number greater than 4? Determine the probability that the chosen letter is a consonant. Total possible outcomes = 36 Solution: Find the probability that the number on the drawn ticket is a multiple of 3 or 7. Students struggling with the concept, or looking for a quick brush-up of the topic, will find our Probability Class 10 Notes beneficial. (i) There are 4 aces in a deck. Find the probability of getting a card bearing, Solution: Total number of cases while tossing a coin two times are 4, i.e. a = 3, b can take 2 value, i.e. We have, the total number of possible outcomes associated with the random experiment of throwing a die is 6 (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). (iv) king. (iii) neither white nor black. Solution: Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark], Question 15. Total number of outcomes = 36[(1, 1), (1, 2) … (6,6)] 9 outcomes Total no. Questions of this type are Two different dice are thrown together. (ii) Let F be the event ‘getting a number less than or equal to 4’. Find the probability that the drawn card is If one disc is drawn at random from the box, find the probability that it bears a perfect square number. When three coins are tossed together, then total outcomes are HHH, HHT, HTT, TTT, TTH, THH, HTH, THT Total possible cases = 8 Solution: (i) all heads. Find the probability that the product of the two numbers on the top of the dice is 6. Number of kings + number of queen = 4 + 4 = 8 (i) An odd number Solution: Solution: Question 40. If Saket has purchased one lottery ticket, what is the probability of winning a prize ? Find the probability of getting exactly one head. Cards remaining after removing black face cards = red cards + black cards excluding face cards Find the probability that the selected ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5. Total outcomes of drawing a card from 46 cards = 46. Give reason. Download free printable worksheets for CBSE Class 10 Probability with important topic wise questions, students must practice the NCERT Class 10 Probability worksheets, question banks, workbooks and exercises with solutions which will help them in revision of important concepts Class 10 Probability. 3, 4). Favourable outcomes when sum of the numbers appearing on the dice is 6 or 7 are, i.e. Total number of cases of xy = 16 Remaining cards = 52 – 6 = 46. What is the probability that the marble taken out will be (i) red ? Now, we have Total possible outcomes = 20 (vii) “2′ of spades. One card is drawn at random from the box. 3,5, 7,11,13,17,19). Cards numbered 1 to 30 are put in a bag. Solution: A card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. Question 64. A card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. Probability Practice Questions section is here and we have collected all the different question types for you. a = 5, b can take 4 values, Solution: The number divisible by 3 and 5 in given number is 15. If 4 more red balls are put into the bag, the probability of drawing are red ball will be 5/4 times the probability of drawing a red ball in the first case. What is the probability that = 52-6 = 46. One of the methods for determining mode is (a) Mode = 2 Median -3 Mean (i) As we know that there are two suits of red card, i.e., diamond and heart and each suit contains one king. Required Probability=8/20=2/25, Question 51. Probability 469, Solution: Total number of cards in a bag = 18, Question 80. The outcomes favourable to the event E, ‘at least one head’ are (H, H), (H, T) and (T, H). {HHH, TTT, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH} Solution: Answer: d Explaination: Reason: S = [HH, HT, TH, TT] = 4 ∴ P(exactly 1 head) \(=\frac{2}{4}=\frac{1}{2}\) As we know that, All the black face cards are removed from a pack of 52 playing cards. Question 3. So, the event related to the experiment of taking out an orange flavoured candy is an impossible event. Possible outcomes are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, i.e., 6. tail. A bag contains cards numbered from 1 to 49. One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. Five cards: the ten, jack, queen, king and ace of diamonds are shuffled with faces downwards. False, because the outcome 3 is more likely than the other numbers. The number of possible outcomes are six : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the outcomes favourable to E are 5 and 6. The remaining 2 days can be: Out of these 7 cases, we have Tuesdays in two cases (i) Favourable outcomes are Ramesh will win the game if all the show the tosses same result, (i.e. Three cards of spades are lost from a pack of 52 playing cards. Out of 1000 lottery tickets, one ticket can be chosen in 1000 ways. of favourable outcomes = 10 A card is then drawn at random from the pack. Solution: Find the probability that the number on the drawn card is a prime number. P (a prime number on each die) = \(\frac{9}{36}\) or \(\frac{1}{4}\) Solution: Total number of possible outcomes = 46 Each suit contains one card bearing number 10. Solution: ∴ Probability of getting red face card = \(\frac{6}{52}\) = \(\frac{3}{26}\), (iv) Since, there is only one jack of hearts. Question 4. (HH, HT, TH, TT} Even numbers on a die are 2,4, 6. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. A die is thrown once. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. If a card is drawn at random from the box, find the probability that the number on the drawn card is. Favourable cases of not getting a diamond card are = 46 – 13 = 33. What is the probability that the arrow will point at. Total cards = 70 Favourable outcomes for a prime numbered card greater than 7, Favourable outcomes for not a perfect square numbered card, Favourable outcomes that 5 will not come either time are 25[(1, 1), (1,2), (1, 3),(1,4), (1,6), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,6), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (3,6), (4,1), (4,2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 6), (6,1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 6)], Favourable outcomes that 5 comes up exactly once are 10[(5,1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5,4), (5, 6), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (6, 5)], Favourable outcomes for falling a 50 p coin = 100. A coin is tossed two times. Question 3. Free Question Bank for 10th Class Mathematics Probability Probability. ∴ Favourable number of elementary events = 2 Solution: We know that, P(E)+P(not E) = 1. Question 5. Find the probability of getting at least one A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. (ii) 13? ∴ P(E) = \(\frac{24}{52}\) = \(\frac{16}{13}\), Question 10. When two dice are rolled, total number of cases = 36 A dice is rolled twice. ∴ Required probability = \(\frac{6}{36}\) = \(\frac{1}{6}\), Question 2. Total number of non-defective bulbs in the box = 400 – 15 = 385, Question 11. 4. The same is true when the blue die shows ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’ or ‘6’. ∴ Probability that a pen taken out is good one = \(\frac{132}{144}\) = \(\frac{11}{12}\). ∴ Probability of getting white marble = \(\frac{8}{17}\), (iii) Since, there are 5 + 8 = 13 marbles which are not green in the box. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. (2, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6), (4, 2), (4, 4), (4, 6), (6, 2), (6,4), (6, 6)]. A card is drawn at random from the box. What is the probability that the 2 students have the same birthday? (i) What is the probability of getting a number greater than 4? You can also download NCERT Solutions For Class 10 … ∴ Favourable number of elementary events = 6 Multiples of 5 are 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40 Peehu throws one die and squares the number that appears on it. Favourable outcomes : 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 Number of cases when product is less than 16 are 1 x 1,1 x 4,1 x 9, 2 x 1, 2 x 4, 3 x 1, 3 x 4,4 x 1, i.e. Short Answer Type Questions I [2 Marks], Question 56. Total number of cards in a bag = 49. .’. Question 26. y can be any one of 1, 4, 9 or 16 Total possible outcomes when the arrow points at one of the numbers are 8. Solution: 4, 9,16, 25, 36,49, 64, 81 are 8 perfect square numbers from 2 to 90. A game consists of tossing a one-rupee coin three times and noting its outcome each time. Favourable outcomes : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 When a die is rolled twice, total possible outcomes = 36. ∴ P(E) = \(\frac{44}{52}\) = \(\frac{11}{13}\). (ii) not black. Total possible outcomes are 8, i.e. Number of favourable outcomes = 3 {HH, HT and TH} .’. Solution: Possible outcomes on tossing two coins: HH, HT, TH, TT So, its probability is 1. Question 16 (Choice - 2) - CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2021 Boards - Maths Standard Last updated at Oct. 23, 2020 by Teachoo Find the probability of getting a black queen when a card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled pack of 52 cards. The die is thrown once. Red queens and blackjacks are removed from a pack of 52 playing cards. From the remaining, a card is drawn at random. Probability of getting a red face card =6/52=3/26, Question 77. The probability is 13/52 x 12/51 = 12/204 = 1/17. Favourable outcomes for falling a coin of value less than ? Question 35. The remaining cards were well shuffled and then a card was drawn at random from them. Total number of outcomes while rolling two dice = 36. ∴ Favourable number of elementary events = 8 Number of outcomes for getting product 36, (ii) a perfect square number. Find the probability of getting a black … (1.1),(1,2), (1,3), (1,4),(1,5), (1,6) Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark], Question 1. A bag contains, white, black and red balls only. A die is tossed once. Find the probability of getting at least one head. The number of possible outcomes = 52. 5, 6). Students are advised to solve the Probability Multiple Choice Questions of Class 9 Maths to know different concepts. A game of chance consists of spinning an arrow which comes to rest pointing at one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and these are equally likely outcomes. Therefore, P(Ē) = \(\frac{48}{52}\) = \(\frac{12}{13}\), Question 7. ∴ P(E) = \(\frac{3}{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Deck of playing Cards There are total 52 playing cards 4 suits – Spade, Heart, Club, Diamond 13 cards in each suit 4 Aces 4 Kings 4 Queens 4 Jacks 1 King 1 Queen 1 Jack 1 Ace 2-10 Cards Total = 13 1 King 1 Queen 1 Jack 1 Ace 2-10 Cards Total = 13 1 King 1 Queen 1 Jack 1 Ace 2-10 Cards Total = 13 1 King 1 Queen 1 Jack 1 Ace 2-10 Cards Total = 13 Face cards are King + Queen + … Let S and R denote the events that Sangeeta and Reshma wins the match, respectively. Hence, required probability = \(\frac{12}{52}\) = \(\frac{3}{13}\), (vi) There are 6 red face cards 3 each from diamonds and hearts. From a pack of 52 playing cards, Jacks, Queens and Kings of red colour are removed. Favourable cases when number is a perfect square and is divisible by 9 are 9, 36 and 81. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards.

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