the tiger rising summary

[50] They make short ventures with their mother, although they do not travel with her as she roams her territory until they are older. It was found to have similar repeat composition to other cat genomes and an appreciably conserved synteny. [118] [36], Good tiger habitats in subtropical and temperate forests include the Tiger Conservation Units (TCUs) Manas-Namdapha. [47] Both snow white and golden tigers are homozygous for CORIN gene mutations. [82], Tigers usually prefer to eat prey they have caught themselves, but may eat carrion in times of scarcity and may even pirate prey from other large carnivores. [84], Adult tigers lead largely solitary lives. If these are not sufficient, the conflicts may turn violent; tigers may kill competitors as leopards, dholes, striped hyenas, wolves, bears, pythons, and mugger crocodiles on occasion. Included in his home range were the much smaller home ranges of two females, a tigress with cubs and a subadult tigress. Blackout Kick does moderate damage, while consuming all your stacks of Teachings of the Monastery.Each time Blackout … [107], Indian zoos have bred tigers for the first time at the Alipore Zoo in Kolkata. The largest population resided in Corbett Tiger Reserve with about 215 tigers. [67][68] Currently, it occurs in less than 6% of its historical range, as it has been extirpated from Southwest and Central Asia, large parts of Southeast and East Asia. [81] Individuals can cross rivers up to 7 km (4.3 mi) wide and can swim up to 29 km (18 mi) in a day. This altered pigmentation is caused by a mutant gene that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, which is determined by a white locus. Females vary in total length from 200 to 275 cm (6.56 to 9.02 ft), weigh 65 to 167 kg (143 to 368 lb) with skull length ranging from 268 to 318 mm (0.879 to 1.043 ft). It weighed 388.7 kg (857 lb) after eating a buffalo calf, and measured 323 cm (127 in) in total length between pegs, and 338 cm (133 in) over curves. For over 100 years people, tigers, and livestock have been injured and killed in the conflict; in recent decades up to 50 people, 80 livestock, and 3 tigers have been killed in a year. [113], The tiger is one of the animals displayed on the Pashupati seal of the Indus Valley Civilisation. The white tiger is a recessive mutant of the tiger, which is reported in the wild from time to time in Assam, Bengal, Bihar, and especially from the former State of Rewa. [41][42] Officials assumed that it originated in Ratapani Tiger Reserve and travelled about 300 km (190 mi) over two years. The report estimates a population of 2967 tigers in India with 25% increase since 2014. The tigers living in the Sundarbans are threatened by habitat destruction, prey depletion, highly aggressive and rampant intraspecific competition, tiger-human conflict, and direct tiger loss. Your Moon in Scorpio suggests that, though you may appear mild and motherly or soft, you can be truly ferocious in your defense of anyone or anything you care about, especially those who depend upon you. [89] By this method, gaurs and water buffaloes weighing over a ton have been killed by tigers weighing about a sixth as much. [48], The less common tigon is a cross between a lioness and a male tiger. [21] In Chitwan National Park, radio-collared subadult tigers started dispersing from their natal areas earliest at the age of 19 months. [29] It prefers hunting large ungulates such as chital, sambar, gaur, and to a lesser extent also barasingha, water buffalo, nilgai, serow and takin. WildTeam also works to empower local communities to access the government funds for compensating the loss/injury of livestock and people from the conflict. Gaur remains were found in 44.8% of all tiger scat samples, sambar remains in 28.6%, wild pig remains in 14.3% and chital remains in 10.4% of all scat samples. [134][135][136] Following the report, the Indian government pledged $153 million to the initiative, set up measures to combat poaching, promised funds to relocate up to 200,000 villagers in order to reduce human-tiger interactions,[137] and set up eight new tiger reserves. [50] The female gives birth in a sheltered location such as in tall grass, in a dense thicket, cave or rocky crevice. Tigers grew in size, possibly in response to adaptive radiations of prey species like deer and bovids, which may have occurred in Southeast Asia during the Early Pleistocene. [50][22] Stripes are likely advantageous for camouflage in vegetation such as long grass with strong vertical patterns of light and shade. One of the arrested persons was the biggest buyer of Indian tiger parts who sold them to Chinese buyers, using women from a nomadic tribe as couriers. In 2006 the 14th Dalai Lama was persuaded to take up the issue. Northwestern China is thought to be the origin of the tiger lineage. [6], In Bhutan, tigers have been documented in 17 of 18 districts. Altogether 143 TCUs were identified and prioritized based on size and integrity of habitat, poaching pressure and population status. [19], The Bengal tiger is defined by three distinct mitochondrial nucleotide sites and 12 unique microsatellite alleles. [71], The tiger in India has no definite mating and birth seasons. [62], The tiger is a carnivore. [82] The Chinese subspecies was almost completely decimated by killing for commerce due to both the parts and skin trades in the 1950s through the 1970s. [150] In the framework of the STP a community-based conservation programme was initiated to document the tiger-human dimension in the park in order to enable conservation authorities to resolve tiger-human conflicts based on a comprehensive database rather than anecdotes and opinions. This specimen could not be weighed, but it was calculated to weigh no less than 272 kg (600 lb). [22], There is a notable sexual dimorphism between male and female tigers, with the latter being consistently smaller. Such attacks are most common in areas where population growth, logging, and farming have put pressure on tiger habitats and reduced their wild prey. Royal Manas and Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Parks form the largest contiguous tiger conservation area in Bhutan representing subtropical to alpine habitat types. This would lead to inbreeding depression and loss of genetic variability. In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group revised felid taxonomy and recognized the tiger populations in continental Asia as P. t. tigris, and those in the Sunda Islands as P. t. To monitor the conflict and assess the effectiveness of actions, WildTeam have also set up a human-tiger conflict data collection and reporting system. Other factors contributing to their loss are urbanisation and revenge killing. At the age of 2–3 years, they slowly start to separate from the family group and become transient – looking out for an area, where they can establish their own territory. None of them crossed open cultivated areas that were more than 10 km (6.2 mi) wide, but moved through forested habitat. Without eating the calf beforehand, it would have likely weighed at least 324.3 kilograms (715 lb). [75] In Bangladesh, tigers are killed by professional poachers, local hunters, trappers, pirates and villagers. Tony the Tiger is a famous mascot for Kellogg's breakfast cereal Frosted Flakes, known for its catchphrase "They're Gr-r-reat!". Farmers blame tigers for killing cattle and shoot them. They suckle for 3–6 months, and begin to eat small amounts of solid food at about 2 months of age. In May 2019, camera traps recorded tigers in Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary and Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary and Mollem National Park, the first records in Goa since 2013. One juvenile tiger was presumed dead after being photographed with severe injuries from a deer snare. [194], Tigers are also mascots for various sports teams around the world. The region affording habitat where tigers have achieved their highest densities is also one which has housed one of the most concentrated and rapidly expanding human populations. Tigers that are not genetically pure will not be able to participate in the tiger Species Survival Plan, as they are not used for breeding, and are not allowed to be released into the wild. As a result, anti-poaching controls were put in place by the Soviet Union and a network of protected zones (zapovedniks) were instituted, leading to a rise in the population to several hundred. At the beginning of the 19th century tigers were so numerous it seemed to be a question as to whether man or tiger would survive. They are also ranked among the biggest cats that have ever existed reaching weights of more than 300 kg (660 lb). They found her at the kill just after dawn with her three 14-month-old cubs, and they watched uninterrupted for the next ten hours. Chief Wildlife Warden of Kerala ordered the hunt for the animal after mass protests erupted as the tiger had been carrying away livestock. [68] In 2011 and 2014, two instances were recorded of Bengal tigers killing adult elephants; one in Jim Corbett National Park on a 20-year-old elephant, and another on a 28-year-old elephant in Kaziranga National Park which was killed and eaten by several tigers at once. What is a Summary? [56], The tiger's skull is similar to a lion's skull, with the frontal region usually less depressed or flattened, and a slightly longer postorbital region. [8][9][10], The Bengal tiger ranks among the biggest wild cats alive today. Among the medium-sized prey species it frequently kills wild boar, and occasionally hog deer, Indian muntjac and grey langur. The photos show a male Amur tiger pass by, followed by a female and three cubs within the span of about two minutes. A young male acquires territory either by seeking out an area devoid of other male tigers, or by living as a transient in another male's territory until he is older and strong enough to challenge the resident male. [106] [64] Doug & Kirill The oldest recorded captive tiger lived for 26 years. [16], Results of a phylogeographic study using 134 samples from tigers across the global range suggest that the historical northeastern distribution limit of the Bengal tiger is the region in the Chittagong Hills and Brahmaputra River basin, bordering the historical range of the Indochinese tiger. [116], The tiger mates all year round, but most cubs are born between March and June, with a second peak in September. The goals are to manage tigers as a single metapopulation, the dispersal of which between core refuges can help maintain genetic, demographic, and ecological integrity, and to ensure that species and habitat conservation becomes mainstreamed into the rural development agenda. It lived at the beginning of the Pleistocene about two million years ago, its fossil remains were excavated in Gansu province of northwestern China. The pupils are circular with yellow irises. "[179], Tigers and their superlative qualities have been a source of fascination for mankind since ancient times, and they are routinely visible as important cultural and media motifs. The tiger remains latched onto the neck until its target dies of strangulation. In the Indian subcontinent, tigers inhabit tropical moist evergreen forests, tropical dry forests, tropical and subtropical moist deciduous forests, mangroves, subtropical and temperate upland forests, and alluvial grasslands. [48] In another study, home ranges of adult female tigers were recorded comprising between 12 and 14 km2 (4.6 and 5.4 sq mi), which would indicate an approximate carrying capacity of 150 adult females. [90] Save Tigers Now started its campaign in 12 different WWF Tiger priority landscapes, since May 2010. These man-eaters have been grouped into the confirmed or dedicated ones who go hunting especially for human prey; and the opportunistic ones, who do not search for humans but will, if they encounter a man, attack, kill and devour him. Typically there is partial overlap with neighboring female residents. The project's task force visualised these tiger reserves as breeding nuclei, from which surplus animals would disperse to adjacent forests. [56] The nature of the tiger's hunting method and prey availability results in a "feast or famine" feeding style: they often consume 18–40 kilograms (40–88 lb) of meat at one time. In May 2015, Amur tigers were photographed by camera traps in the Sikhote-Alin Bioshpere Reserve. Horizontal leaps of up to 10 m (33 ft) have been reported, although leaps of around half this distance are more typical. [48] Some females are fertile and have occasionally given birth to litigons when mated to a male Asiatic lion. The Sanskrit word पाण्डर pāṇḍ-ara means 'pale yellow, whitish, white'. [14], Felis tigris was the scientific name used by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 for the tiger. In the Asian black market, a tiger penis can be worth the equivalent of around $300 U.S. dollars. [97][98][99] More often, it is the more vulnerable small calves that are taken. In May 2010, Banke National Park was established with an area of 550 km2 (210 sq mi). [93] Other vocal communications include grunts, woofs, snarls, miaows, hisses and growls. Of 4 resident males, 1 was still alive and 3 were displaced by rivals. [177] Genetic ancestry of 105 captive tigers from fourteen countries and regions showed that forty-nine animals belonged distinctly to five subspecies; fifty-two animals had mixed subspecies origins. Furthermore, all trade in tiger parts is illegal under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and a domestic trade ban has been in place in China since 1993. [1], The Forest Rights Act passed by the Indian government in 2006 grants some of India's most impoverished communities the right to own and live in the forests, which likely brings them into conflict with wildlife and under-resourced, under-trained, ill-equipped forest department staff. Franklin, N., Bastoni, Sriyanto, Siswomartono, D., Manansang, J. and R. Tilson (1999). [89] Stephen Mills described a social feeding event in Ranthambore National Park: A dominant tigress they called Padmini killed a 250 kg (550 lb) male nilgai – a very large antelope. [96] Tigers generally do not prey on fully grown adult Asian elephants and Indian rhinoceros but incidents have been reported. The prey species included chital, sambar, wild pig and gaur. Although almost exclusively carnivorous, tigers will occasionally eat vegetation for dietary fibre such as fruit of the slow match tree. [62] The major obstacle in preserving the species is the enormous territory individual tigers require (up to 450 km2 needed by a single female and more for a single male). [45] The Chittagong forest is contiguous with tiger habitat in India and Myanmar, but the tiger population is of unknown status. [2] In Kaziranga National Park, tigers killed 20 rhinoceros in 2007. The Hideout Raid Arc is the ninth story arc in My Hero Academia and the ninth and last story arc in the U.A. One geneticist was sceptical of this study and maintained that the currently recognised nine subspecies can be distinguished genetically.[15]. [89] They separate from their mother at the age of two to two and a half years, but continue to grow until the age of five years. [40][41] Fossil remains of tigers were also excavated in Sri Lanka, China, Japan and Sarawak (Malaysia) dating to the late Pliocene, Pleistocene and Early Holocene. [137], Apart from the above-mentioned uses of the Bengal tiger in culture, the fight between a tiger and a lion has, for a long time, been a popular topic of discussion by hunters, naturalists, artists, and poets, and continue to inspire the popular imagination to the present-day. In November 2011, two tigers were found dead in Maharashtra: a male tiger was trapped and killed in a wire snare; a tigress died of electrocution after chewing at an electric cable supplying power to a water pump; another dead tigress found in Kanha Tiger Reserve landscape was suspected to have been poisoned. The heaviest wild tiger was possibly a huge male killed in 1967 at the foothills of the Himalayas. [22] The tigers of the Sunda islands are smaller and less heavy than tigers in mainland Asia, rarely exceeding 142 kg (313 lb) in weight. The seals of several Chola copper coins show the tiger, the Pandya emblem fish and the Chera emblem bow, indicating that the Cholas had achieved political supremacy over the latter two dynasties. [120][124] The WWF subsequently declared that the world's count of wild tigers had risen for the first time in a century. Few other predators attack tiger cubs due to the diligence and ferocity of the mother. [30] Young have also been found in March, May, October and November. When tense, tigers will moan, a sound similar to a roar but more subdued and made when the mouth is partially or completely closed. [38][42] The Bornean tiger was apparently present in Borneo between the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene, but whether it went extinct in prehistoric or recent times has not been resolved. In areas where opportunistic man-eaters were found, the killing of humans was correlated with their availability, most victims being claimed during the honey gathering season. [82] An adult tiger can go for up to two weeks without eating, then gorge on 34 kg (75 lb) of flesh at one time. In the latter half of the 19th century, marauding tigers began to take a toll of human life. Between November 2017 and April 2018, the third nationwide survey for tiger and prey was conducted in the Terai Arc Landscape; the country's population was estimated at 220–274 tigers. The Tiger Rising is the tale of 12-year-old Rob Horton who finds a caged tiger in the woods behind the Kentucky Star Motel where he lives with his dad. These landscapes comprise the following:[37], Ranthambore National Park hosts India's westernmost tiger population. [115] Tigers appear to inhabit the deep parts of a forest while smaller predators like leopards and dholes are pushed closer to the fringes. [18][104], With smaller prey, such as monkeys and hares, the tiger bites the nape, often breaking the spinal cord, piercing the windpipe, or severing the jugular vein or common carotid artery. [75][76] In Thailand, it lives in deciduous and evergreen forests. All suffered from some disability, mainly caused either by gunshot wounds or porcupine quills. Tiger Palm does a very small amount of damage, but grants you a stack of Teachings of the Monastery which causes your next Blackout Kick to strike an additional time. [82] In July 2014 at an international convention on endangered species in Geneva, Switzerland, a Chinese representative admitted for the first time his government was aware trading in tiger skins was occurring in China. [176] Nineteen US states banned private ownership of tigers, fifteen require a license, and sixteen states have no regulation. The nominate subspecies P. t. tigris constitutes two clades: the northern clade comprises the Siberian and Caspian tiger populations, and the southern clade all remaining continental tiger populations. [72] In the 1960s, certain aspects of tiger behaviour at Kanha National Park indicated that the peak of sexual activity was from November to about February, with some mating probably occurring throughout the year. Educator Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee was often called the "Tiger of Bengal". [175] In 2011, 468 facilities in the USA kept 2,884 tigers. Gold coins found in Kavilayadavalli in the Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh have motifs of the tiger, bow and some indistinct marks. [86], To identify his territory, the male marks trees by spraying urine[87][88] and anal gland secretions, as well as marking trails with scat and marking trees or the ground with their claws. The Bengal tiger is not a very common creature in heraldry, but is present as a supporter in the arms of Bombay and emblazoned on the shield of the University of Madras. [109], In 2000, the Bengal tiger re-wilding project Tiger Canyons was started by John Varty, who together with the zoologist Dave Salmoni trained captive-bred tiger cubs how to stalk, hunt, associate hunting with food and regain their predatory instincts. [24] The greatest length of its skull is 332 to 376 mm (13.1 to 14.8 in). [42][43], Results of a phylogeographic study indicate that all living tigers had a common ancestor 72,000–108,000 years ago. [44], The tiger's full genome sequence was published in 2013. Young males seeking to establish themselves thereby comprise the highest mortality rate (30–35% per year) amongst adult tigers. In fact, there is only one fully authenticated case of a true albino tiger, and none of black tigers, with the possible exception of one dead specimen examined in Chittagong in 1846. [2][22] They typically range 90 to 110 cm (35 to 43 in) in height at the shoulders. None of the Tiger Conservation Landscapes within its range is considered large enough to support an effective population of more than 250 adult individuals. [18] Unrelated wandering male tigers often kill cubs to make the female receptive, since the tigress may give birth to another litter within five months if the cubs of the previous litter are lost. [58] In 2017, a tiger was recorded for the time in Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary. [50] Young females reach sexual maturity at three to four years, whereas males at four to five years. Scent markings of this type allow an individual to pick up information on another's identity, sex and reproductive status. [92] Once dominance has been established, a male may tolerate a subordinate within his range, as long as they do not live in too close quarters. [4] By 2018, the population had increased to an estimated 2,603–3,346 individuals. [166] According to Corbett, tiger attacks on humans are normally in daytime, when people are working outdoors and are not keeping watch. In the Philippines, the fossils in Palawan were found besides stone tools. [78] In Sumatra, tiger populations range from lowland peat swamp forests to rugged montane forests. The Bengal tiger is a tiger from a specific population of the Panthera tigris tigris subspecies that is native to the Indian subcontinent. [191] In Yann Martel's 2001 Man Booker Prize winning novel Life of Pi, the protagonist, surviving shipwreck for months in a small boat, somehow avoids being eaten by the other survivor, a large Bengal tiger. Damania, R., Seidensticker, J., Whitten, T., Sethi, G., Mackinnon, K., Kiss, A., Kushlin, A. [189] In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, the tiger is fiercer and more ruthless than the lion. CHARLESTON — For fiscal geeks, the Executive Budget Report is a veritable treasure trove of data, including nuggets like investments by … [91], Male tigers are generally more intolerant of other males within their territories than females are of other females. A male tiger keeps a large territory in order to include the home ranges of several females within its bounds, so that he may maintain mating rights with them. [105] Skin, hair and blood samples from 71 tigers collected in Indian zoos, in the Indian Museum, Kolkata and including two samples from Dudhwa National Park were used for a microsatellite analysis that revealed that two tigers had alleles in two loci contributed by Bengal and Siberian tigers. [26] In addition, the record for the greatest length of a tiger skull was an "over the bone" length of 16.25 in (413 mm); this tiger was shot in the vicinity of Nagina in northern India. In the clip, a tiger is seen making its way up a tree as a monkey sits in the higher branches. Tigers appear to have arrived in Sri Lanka during a pluvial period, during which sea levels were depressed, evidently prior to the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago. The trade in tiger skins peaked in the 1960s, just before international conservation efforts took effect. [162], Wild tigers that have had no prior contact with humans actively avoid interactions with humans. Of 11 resident females, 7 were still alive at the end of the study period, 2 disappeared after losing their territories to rivals, and 2 died. [132] On International Tiger Day 2019, the 'Tiger Estimation Report 2018' was released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A female is only receptive for three to six days. [84], In December 2012, a tiger was shot by the Kerala Forest Department on a coffee plantation on the fringes of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. [34], Panthera zdanskyi is considered to be a sister taxon of the modern tiger. In captivity, adult tigers are fed 3 to 6 kg (6.6 to 13.2 lb) of meat a day. The golden tiger has a pale golden pelage with a blond tone and reddish-brown stripes. [184], In Buddhism, the tiger is one of the Three Senseless Creatures, symbolising anger, with the monkey representing greed and the deer lovesickness. [127][128][129] Some estimates suggest that there are fewer than 2,500 mature breeding individuals, with no subpopulation containing more than 250 mature breeding individuals. Since rising diabetic rates and obesity has become a worldwide concern, the article provides a startling but controversial potential solution. Tiger hair samples from the national park were analysed using mitochondrial sequence analysis. [169] The Sundarbans area had 129 human deaths from tigers from 1969 to 1971. [152], Tigers have been studied in the wild using a variety of techniques. [85] Tigers in the Sunderbans presumably attacked humans who entered their territories in search of wood, honey or fish, thus causing them to defend their territories. There are well-organised gangs of professional poachers, who move from place to place and set up camp in vulnerable areas. By 2017, this population was estimated at 84–158 individuals. The authors also noted that this reclassification will affect tiger conservation management. [82] In 1986 in the Sundarbans, since tigers almost always attack from the rear, masks with human faces were worn on the back of the head, on the theory that tigers usually do not attack if seen by their prey. [4], As of 2014, the Indian tiger population was estimated to range over an area of 89,164 km2 (34,426 sq mi) and number 2,226 adult and subadult tigers older than one year. Summary Report. [21], Males and females have an average total length of 270 to 310 cm (110 to 120 in) and 240 to 265 cm (94 to 104 in) respectively, including a tail of 85 to 110 cm (33 to 43 in) long. A framework for identifying high-priority areas for the conservation of tigers in the wild", "Science deficiency in conservation practice: the monitoring of tiger populations in India", "Sahyadri Tiger Reserve camera traps evidence of tigers first time in 8 years", "Camera trap proves Gujarat now has tiger", "Tiger that trekked from MP to Gujarat died of starvation: Post-mortem report", "Tiger spotted at Goa's only national park", "Goa's new visitor: Big cat at Molem national park", "Setting priorities for the conservation and recovery of wild tigers: 2005–2015", "Using non-invasively collected genetic data to estimate density and population size of tigers in the Bangladesh Sundarbans", "The Status, Distribution and Conservation of the Tiger, Counting the Tigers in Bhutan: Report on the National Tiger Survey of Bhutan 2014 - 2015, "Tiger reappearance in Bhutan's Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary: a case for maintaining effective corridors and metapopulations", "Tigers in Panna: preliminary results from an Indian tropical dry forest", "Prey abundance and prey selection by tigers (, "Diet and prey profiles of three sympatric large carnivores in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India", "Predator–prey relationships and responses of ungulates and their predators to the establishment of protected areas: A case study of tigers, leopards and their prey in Bardia National Park, Nepal", "Trouble for rhino from poacher and Bengal tiger", Skinning the Cat: Crime and Politics of the Big Cat Skin Trade, "Monitoring of reintroduced tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Western India: preliminary findings on home range, prey selection and food habits", "Tiger Poaching Ring Busted by Indian Police", "Central India Loses Four Tigers, including the Legendary B2", "WWF and leonardo partner to protect Tiger Habitat through Save Tigers Now", "Global Tiger Conservation initiative kick started Conservation Campaign in 2010", "Project Tiger: The reserves, the tigers, and their future", article "India Reports Sharp Decline in Wild Tigers", "Tigers flown by helicopter to Sariska reserve to lift numbers in western India", "India launches anti-poaching force to curb tiger, wildlife trade", "Tigers galore in Ranthambhore National Park", "Tired of Gujarat reluctance on Gir lions, MP to release tigers in Kuno", "Stalemate on translocation of Gir lions Kuno Palpur in Madhya Pradesh to be used as tiger habitat now", "Subspecies Genetic Assignments of Worldwide Captive Tigers Increase Conservation Value of Captive Populations", "Mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence among big cats and their hybrids", "Genetic variation in Asiatic lions and Indian tigers", Indian National Studbook of Bengal Tiger (, "Tiger Film a Fraud, says The Chinese Tigers South African Trust", "Discovery Film Proclaimed A Fraud; Broadcaster to be Sued", "The tiger in human consciousness and its significance in crafting solutions for tiger conservation", "N.E.A. Ligers are typically between 10 and 12 ft (3.0 and 3.7 m) in length, and weigh between 800 and 1,000 lb (360 and 450 kg) or more. TR No./2019/05, "Phylogeography and Genetic Ancestry of Tigers (, "Predicted Pleistocene–Holocene rangeshifts of the tiger (, "Sundarban Tiger − a new prey species of estuarine crocodile at Sundarban Tiger Reserve, India", "Tiger distribution, phenotypic variation and conservation issues", "Planning tiger recovery: Understanding intraspecific variation for effective conservation", "Genome-wide evolutionary analysis of natural history and adaptation in the world's tigers", "Tiger ecology and conservation in the Indian subcontinent", "Chapter 6. Who's king of the beasts? [66], The tiger historically ranged from eastern Turkey and Transcaucasia to the coast of the Sea of Japan, and from South Asia across Southeast Asia to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali. [59] A black tiger is a colour variant due to pseudo-melanism. [30] A male weighing 259 kg (570 lb) was shot in northern India in the 1930s. [133], In 1973, India's Project Tiger, started by Indira Gandhi, established numerous tiger reserves.

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