which of the following statements about disabilities is true?

Question 4 1 out of 1 points Which of the following statements about learning disabilities is FALSE? May 2007. Which Of The Following Statements Is True Regarding Disability Income Insurance? Add to folder[?] College football coaches are often high in _____. One of the best ways to discourage turnover is to link pay directly to performance. For instance, ‘Work harder!’ isn’t a goal that motivates anybody. A. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Reasonable Accommodations For Employees With Mental Disabilities: Article Analysis, Importance Of Communication In The Workplace, Why Canada Should Not Sell Water In Bulk Export Case Study, The Argument Of Elizabeth Barnes's Mere-Differences Of Disability, A Biography Of A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams, American Society In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman, The Challenges Of Charismatic Leadership And Organizational Performance. According to _____, the process used to make reward allocation decisions is unfair. _____ is intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs. According to Hershey and Blanchard’s situational theory, which of the following is NOT an example of a leadership style? https://quizlet.com/490054734/intro-to-special-education-chapter-12-flash-cards Hershey and Blanchard’s situational theory states that leaders need to adjust their leadership styles to match, The two types of worker readiness identified by the Hershey and Blanchard’s situational theory are, Job readiness and psychological readiness. Take the … Transformational leadership is much more effective on average than transactional leadership. A 2005 survey by Penn State researchers says that even when they have similar training and experience, women in information technology are paid an average of $15,000 less than men in similar positions. If a Canadian company gained the rig... Mere-difference does not imply that it is indifferent to cause or cure disability, because of these intrinsic bads. A glass of water and shelter from a snowstorm would be examples of _____, and a gold necklace and tickets to see professional wrestling would not be. Before firing employees, managers should give them a change to improve. Which of the following statements about performance appraisal is true? Which of the following statements is true of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? C. They experience more success in postsecondary education than students without LD. Which one of the following statements about intelligence tests is TRUE? A _____ is a performance appraisal process in which feedback is obtained from the boss, subordinates, peers and co-workers, and the employees themselves. C) Many parents of children with disabilities support inclusion in theory but most oppose it in practice. Which statement about adults with learning disabilities is true? asked Feb 3, 2017 in Education by Mr305. C. Learning disabilities can be a result of other special needs such as deafness, emotional disorders, and dysgraphia. The _____ states that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance that good performance will be rewarded, and that they are offered attractive rewards. As a leader behavior, initiating structure is the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by setting goals, giving directions, setting deadlines, and assigning tasks. Question: Question 1 Which Of The Following Is True About Disability Insurance? Human resource management (HRM) is the process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work force. A) Hiring people with disabilities leads to higher employment costs and lower profit margins. It is required by law for private employers with 15 or more employees. Under what circumstances should a needs assessment be performed prior to conducting training? Job analyses, job descriptions, and job specifications help companies meet the legal requirements that their human resource decisions be job-related. These characteristics are typical of, The purpose of early intervention programs for children at risk for mild intellectual disabilities is, preventing intellectual disabilities or furthering development of children who have intellectual disabilities. Learning disabilities are characterized by unexpected underachievement. A) The cause of most severe disabilities is delayed speech. This statute was, in a way, put in place to show that disability is in no way a shot of inability for people with disabilities to exceed expectations people have of them. A. For workers who feel underpaid, creating a union at their place of employment to attain higher wages can be a mechanism for restoring equity by. a.The ADA does not protect current users of illegal drugs. _____ means providing opportunities for employees to develop the job-specific skills, experience, and knowledge they need to do their jobs or improve their performance. C) The cause of a severe disability in almost every case is a brain disorder. The term _____ refers to subordinate, task, or organizational characteristics that can interfere with a leader’s actions or make it impossible for a leader to influence followers’ performance. Which of the following statements about disabilities is true? 47) Which of the following statements about inclusion is true? They are run by business people to make a profit. She has thick epicentral folds in the corner of her eyes, small stature, decreased muscle tone, speckling of the iris of the eye, a small oral cavity, and short, broad hands with a single palmar crease. A _____ is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job. An employer will be considered in violation of the ADA if employment practices are used that discriminate against the disabled-even if the discrimination is unintended. If water were to be defined as a commodity, NAFTA would restrict the Canadian government’s ability to ban water exports. Which of the following is the best leadership style for all situations? The term _____ refers to both the financial and nonfinancial rewards organizations give employees in exchange for their work. _____ is based on an exchange process, in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance. Question 5 Which of the following statements regarding rabies is TRUE? Question 23 Which of the following statements is true of the Americans with Disabilities Act? There has been little direct evidence of racial or ethnic discrimination in the workplace in recent years. Managers can motivate employees to increase their efforts by, Asking employees what their needs are then matching rewards to those needs. c.Impairments such as autism and bipolar disorder are not covered by the ADA. The ADA protects a qualified individual with a disability from discrimination on the basis of that disability. They make adaptations for their disability in order to succeed. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! _____ consists of differences communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors, such as personality and attitudes that are learned only through extended interaction with others. These bonuses are examples of _____ rewards. B) Severe disabilities are rarely acquired later in life. Despite the layoffs and plant closings that have eliminated thousands of jobs over the past two years, the Louisiana chemical industry faces a looming shortage of process operators and is hiring new ones as fast as it can. Which of the Big Five personality measures has the greatest impact on behavior in organizations? This preview shows page 14 - 18 out of 53 pages.. A disability is defined as a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Through diversity programs, organizations are actively recruiting and hiring gays and lesbians to. by francieroop, Which of the following statements about federal employment law is true? _____ is the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job. The focus of its diversity awareness remains surface-level diversity. To improve traditional performance appraisal feedback sessions, it is recommended that managers, Base performance appraisal feedback sessions on self-appraisals. A. A discrepancy between intelligence and achievement is often used to support the identification of learning disabilities. What is the primary advantage of the structured interview? Which one of the following statements about intellectual disabilities is true? Among the Big Five factors, extraversion is the strongest predictor of both subject well-being and job satisfaction (Zhai, 2013, pg. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. C. Learning disabilities can be a result of other special needs such as deafness, emotional disorders, and dysgraphia. The prevailing opinion is that, for some children, intellectual disabilities are not a permanent condition. The addition of the corporate compliance department reflects to the implementation of a(n). In fact, chefs at Wegmans have gone to customers’ homes to fix incorrect food orders. Select One: A. An IEP is an individual education plan. C. The ADA makes clear that the ADAA should be interpreted in favor of broad coverage. Joe tends to believe whatever he is told, even highly questionable statements or claims, despite any evidence. Students with mild intellectual disabilities rarely … The following statements about learning disabilities is are true, except: asked Aug 13, 2018 in Education by deisy. Which of the following is one of the ways in which training can be evaluated? Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five personality dimensions? {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"Cram.com","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Management Test 3","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/management-test-3-467878","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v2.9","language":"en_US"}}. Research has shown that performance capabilities decline with age. Paying high salaries and offering a generous benefits package indicate that Wegmans is using needs theory and satisfying _____ needs. In terms of goal-setting theory, these chefs had exceptional. To help companies reduce age discrimination, their managers can, Ensure that younger and older workers interact with each other. A group of actors gather to read the critical reviews of the new play they presented to audiences last night. Jan 17, 2021 | by | Uncategorized | No Comments | Uncategorized | No Comments A) Most parents of students with disabilities support inclusion. Which of the following is typically considered an inaccurate appraisal measure? How do employees try to restore equity when they perceive that they have been treated unfairly? Helps managers determine how much employee participation should be used in decision making, Articulate a vision based on strongly held values, Are able to make their followers feel they are a vital part of the organization. _____ determine the worth of each job by determining the market value of the knowledge, skills, and requirements needed to perform it. A wave of retirements in coming years will create openings for as many as 10,000 new operators in the chemical industry. Please sign in to share these flashcards. Which of the following is an example of a subject performance measure? which of the following statements about handicaps is true? handicaps may result from the negative attitudes of others what percentage of the school- age population ages 6 -17 consists of students with disabilities in special education? d. This is an example of, Because the company invests so heavily in employee training and then empowers employees to make decisions, Wegmans’ managers increase employee, Wegmans’ scholarship bonuses for part-time workers indicate the company is using, The goal at Wegmans is to create “telepathic customer service.” Employees are allowed, even encouraged to do anything they need to do to satisfy customers. Which of the following is a common type of rating error that managers are prone to in the performance appraisal process? Disparate impact and adverse impact are defined in labor laws issued by the National Labor Relations Board. This indicates the giant retailer may have a(n). What is one strategy Wal-Mart can use to alleviate the alleged gender discrimination? According to Don Vlcek, a former Domino’s Pizza vice president, “To achieve results, you’ve got to properly define the goal—and that’s not always easy. 55) Which of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees? A. B) Most parents of children with severe disabilities oppose inclusion. Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward? Which statement about the causes of many cases of severe disabilities is true? The “great person” theory is another name for the _____ theory of leadership. b. Employers can be fined up to $1 million for a first violation of the ADA. * B) benefits may be payable for disabilities resulting from either accidental injury or sickness, and there are no exclusions. It seeks to identify and reinforce successful work performance. But ‘increase productivity by 12 percent within three weeks’ – that is a clear, useful goal.” Vlcek is discussing, According to management expert Bill Roche, results from goal setting can virtually be guaranteed, but if “you have first won the hearts and minds of your workers. According to the text, _____ typically amount to more than 90 percent of employee’s salaries. Introducing Cram Folders! In expectancy theory, _____ is the perceived relationship between performance and rewards. When they are on board with the goal—they agree that it is important and can be done—you really will get dramatic improvement.” Roche is describing. C. What is the primary limitation of the paradigm Wal-Mart chose to use in its creation of an organizational structure in which discrimination will not be an issue? When downsizing, outplacement programs can help the company maintain a positive image in the community. All of the following are true regarding disability income insurance, EXCEPT: A) Those collecting disability income benefits may be asked to take a physical exam every 6 months at the insurer's expense B) Disabilities that occur on the job are generally not covered C) The elimination period is another name for the probationary period

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