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hehe. Once Alice gets a vision of their coming to end their family, Emmett comes up with the plan to prove to gather a number of witnesses in their favor, to which they agree. Emmett is a naturally cheerful and childish character. I think she had some sort of crush on Edward in the beginning. Emmett is one of the youngest vampires in the Cullen family, which is why the scent of human blood is sometimes harder for him to resist. Emmett's adoptive brother: Edward Cullen. Right after their trial against the Volturi, Edward explains that it was the wolves that stopped the Volturi from executing their plan immediately, and Emmett pokes Jacob's arm and he flashes a grin back at him. In the movie, during the wedding reception, Emmett holds a brief speech as to propose a toast to Bella - his new sister-in-law. Emmett is very close to Jasper, as well as Edward. Three months later, on an ill-fated day, Irina travels to Forks to make peace with the Cullens, only to mistake Renesmee for an immortal child: a human child that has been turned into a vampire. Twilight Saga Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. He worked on the railroad with his older brothers in Gatlinburg, while his younger 14-year-old sister would help their mother with housework. Because Emmett is physically the strongest vampire, he poses as a newborn example during training. Standing at 6'5", he is the tallest of the Cullens, towering over Alice by nearly two feet. Alias Eye color I … Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. It is obvious that Emmett is very protective over Rosalie and would do anything for her, and Rosalie knows that she has found her type of man in him. Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, New York in 1915; she had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and her father worked at a bank. Unlike the other couples in their family, he does not seem to worry too much about Rosalie's safety. Emmett votes "hell, yeah" in her favor. Emmett glared at her as she walked over to Edward and Bella. During free time, he likes to play competitive sports and games, especially anything that involves a physical challenge. ... Bella was 18 — she became a vampire a few days before her 19th birthday. Emmett and Jacob did not have a good start with their relationship initially, since he is a vampire and Jacob a wolf shape-shifter. Alice was prone to having premonitions of the future since she was a child, though they weren't always correct. Emmett McCarty (birth name)Em (by the Cullens)Monkey Man (by Rosalie Hale in Twilight film) This shows that Emmett has certain respect for his mother's passion to art and love for antiques. Alice Cullen is Emmett's adoptive sister. Emmett is described as being very tall, very burly, and to the students at Forks high school and some vampires, very intimidating. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Affiliation Alice - was put in an insane asylum as a human. She also said that she brought him to Carlisle so that he, with his stronger endurance to human blood, could save Emmett, being afraid that she would kill him instead. I had been a vampire for quite some time now but still it amazed me how much there was to do and to know. Emmett fell in love with Rosalie when she found him while he was being mauled to death by a bear. He eventually grew out of the guilt, saying that "eternity is a long time to wallow in guilt". He finds amusement in his brother's newfound fascination of the human girl, but also very annoying due to his relentless mood swings and lack of sports interests. He had even run into two strangers whose blood appealed to him like Bella's to Edward, causing him to lose control instantly. While playing baseball together, Bella (with Edward and his family's protective reaction) catches dangerous interest from the tracker James, who wishes to kill her for sport. In the movie, Breaking Dawn - Part 2, he quickly assaults Alec, giving him no time to use his power, then beheads him and tosses his torso aside. Emmett--his ability is strength right? Emmett Cullen is a member of the Cullen Family in Forks, Washington. When his father strikes out in a rage against Elena, Katherine tricks him into believing that she is Elena and kills him. Porphyric Hemophilia is caused by a bacteria carried in all vampires, which can be transferred to a human via blood or saliva. Dark brown, almost black (books)Black (films) A vampire worker found her there and changed her as James wanted her in about 1921. He transformed Esme into a vampire, fell in love with her, and married her. After Bella gave birth to his niece, Renesmee, and became a vampire, he frequently mocks her and Edward's sex life. He had what his parents considered a wild adolescence, never one to worry about consequences and preferring to gamble, drink, and womanize. Most of the time, when someone talks about "Vampire Disease", they are referring to Porphyric Hemophilia, which is the disease that, when introduced to the human bloodstream, will eventually turn that human into a vampire. Changed Emmett describes Rosalie as an angel and Carlisle as God, possibly because the whole time he thought he was passing away. This points out that Emmett cares enough for his niece to willingly miss out a fighting opportunity for her safety. Although they are close, Emmett enjoys playing chess with Jasper rather than Edward, because his ability to read his mind gives him the advantage to anticipate his moves. James wanted to kill her,drink her blood, as a game..Alice's doctor tride to protect her by changing her into a vampire. During a family meeting, Emmett votes in Bella's favor to let her become a vampire and join their family. Carlisle Cullen was the son of an Anglican pastor. Age when turned Jasper was a … Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Renesmee Cullen is Emmett's adoptive niece, and the biological daughter of Bella and Edward. Emmett enjoys playing chess with Jasper and Rosalie far more than with Alice, because her ability to see his future allows her to anticipate his moves. He is the strongest of the coven and the husband and mate of Rosalie Hale. During the confrontation, he goes into war with everyone and wins without a scratch, just like every member of his team, excluding Jacob Black who gets seriously wounded when he saves Leah Clearwater from a newborn. In Breaking Dawn, when Bella challenges Emmett to an arm-wrestling match, Emmett suggests they use Esme's favorite table, but Alice points out that they should leave it alone, which he does not disagree because it is one of the antiques that Esme has around the house. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Since she doesn't know his name, she mostly refers to him as the big dark-haired vampire. His height helps spread out his weight. Emmett takes a liking to his new niece: when the Volturi prepare to destroy their family for the alleged creation of an immortal child, Emmett is the one who comes up with the plan to gather witnesses to prove that Renesmee is really a half-vampire hybrid instead of an immortal child, although he seems to enjoy the thought of fighting the Volturi. Rosalie then picks him up and takes him to Carlisle to have Carlisle turn Emmett into a vampire. He hints that, if Edward was unable to read minds, he would be able to defeat him in combat. After his painful transformation, Rosalie and Carlisle explained to Emmett that he was a vampire. Their skin is flawless and textured with a marble-like substance much harder and stronger than granite. He is the adoptive brother of Alice and Edward Cullen, as well as Jasper Hale and the adoptive brother-in-law of Bella Swan. On Bella's 18th birthday, he gives her a radio for her truck. Emmett attempts to attack her, but she dodges away, prompting him to fall on Paul, and a fight almost erupts, especially with Rosalie's influence. Despite Emmett's young age, Jasper is the one who has the poorest control over his thirst. Esme--abililty, again! Emmett Emmett. Species When Bella's life is threatened by a vampire named James, he volunteers to help track down the hunter, though he is more excited about fighting him rather than saving Bella. As a vampire, she finally has the life she wanted. In the movie, while Renesmee is playing the piano, Emmett is among those who listen to her performance. He eventually escapes the wolves whilst protecting Esme and Carlisle, and manages to hunt for a while before rushing back home to stop the wolves from attacking his family. Occupation Later, she was led to the love of her life, Jasper, after receiving a vision of him, and the pair subsequently joined the peaceful coven of the Cullen family. This may be due to his witness of her strength before he turned, which made him believe that his wife could do anything. Rosalie's father's job helped keep the family wealthy during the Great Depression. He is described as very handsome with dimples and slightly curly, dark brown hair that almost looks black, giving him a childish look not often seen in a grown man. Emmett is present in Breaking Dawn at Bella and Edward's wedding and the night before when he takes Edward and Jasper out on a "bachelor party", threatening to break down her house if he didn't come. He put in his own words, "Hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you.". He also embarrasses her by saying that he hopes she's had enough sleep in the past, because she won't be getting any more of it. "I hope you two become a couple soon," Alice looks knowingly at Emmett. For vampires who feed on human blood, their eyes reflect a deep red, as opposed to those who drink animal blood, whose eyes will reflect a medium gold color. He is physically the strongest of the Cullens. James killed the doctor instead. Vampires also possess superhuman powers, such as speed and strength. He initially worried about Bella's health when she was pregnant with Renesmee, but could not help Edward since Rosalie and Esme volunteered to protect her, which put him on their side. Kellan Lutz portrays Emmett Cullen throughout the franchise. and how did he become a vampire.. im good on the rest of the characters! He is rather frustrated by his inability to fight the Uley pack, who intend to sacrifice Bella to prevent the baby from being born. Alice was born into a middle-class home in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1901. She quickly runs off, and eventually reports her misinterpretation to the Volturi. In combat, he relies on strength and would fight so fiercely that others view him as a very intimidating opponent. Emmett, however, is dismayed by the fact that Jasper used his power to overwhelm the tracker with hopelessness when he was strong enough to hold him down and dismember him. The highest Volturi addressed me again. Though she rarely spoke of her power, people in town talked a lot during her adolescent years. Instead, he finds her amazing and strong enough to fight on her own. So she has aged the most out of any of the Cullen family members. As a human, he was the youngest of his brothers. 6'5" (books)6'1" (films) Emmett has attended several high schools and colleges, but never earned any particular degree, preferring instead to move quickly from one subject that interests him to the next. Alice--how did she become a vampire. He first meets new girl, Bella Swan, on her first day at school during the spring semester. He does very well when things get out of hand and could resist Bella's blood when she was human. When Edward takes Bella to meet his family, Emmett is absent because Rosalie is upset by the idea and he tries to comfort her. Emmett willingly helps Edward and the rest of his family lead the vampire away to protect her, while hoping to fight the tracker himself. Unlike some of his family members, he never hesitates to speak his mind, which makes Edward very comfortable to be around him. Emmett is my favorite "Twilight" vampire out of Stephenie Meyer's whole "Twilight" saga. Emmett's adoptive sister-in-law: Bella Swan. Alice's mother tended to their home because her father traveled often. He also teases Bella after finding out that she broke her hand punching Jacob in the face. In Midnight Sun, it is revealed that he also enjoys playing chess with complicated rules, but prefers to play with Jasper and Rosalie rather than Edward and Alice, because of their gifts to anticipate his moves. However, Carlisle and Jasper manage to calm things down before it gets out of hand. He is close friends with co-star Ashley Greene. Tap to play or pause GIF ... Every other Cullen (except for Edward) wanted Bella to become a vampire. He also accompanies Bella and Jacob to protect Renesmee when she is called forward to meet the Volturi. Later, sh… When Bella, Alice, and Edward return to Forks after Bella and Alice's successful mission to prevent Edward from committing suicide in Italy, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle pick them up at the airport and officially move back to Forks. He did, however, initially have trouble adjusting to the Cullens' rule of only feeding on animals, and has tasted human blood on several occasions. He also dislikes playing chess with Edward, because he can read his thoughts to do the same. Emmett loves to make Bella blush and always teases her about this. The two of them are close to each other, and like the rest of their family, he always trusts her advice, although he finds her secret conversations with Edward very annoying. Among the Cullens, he is one of the least worried when Edward started dating Bella. He had nearly died from the attack, but Rosalie saved him and carried him over a hundred miles back to Carlisle. Emmett … He and his brothers would go hunting to supplement the family diet with fresh meat. [1] He is present during Bella's 18th birthday party and gives Bella a new radio for her truck without her permission. After being mauled by a black bear in 1935, Emmett was rescued by Rosalie, and given a second chance at life after being turned into a vampire by Carlisle at Rosalie's request. haha. After Bella becomes a vampire in Breaking Dawn, Emmett continuously taunts her self-control and sexual life with Edward, but that comes to an end when she challenges him in an arm-wrestling match, which he loses and relentlessly demands rematches. He also has a competitive nature. In Midnight Sun, Emmett is curious with the fact that his brother Edward cannot read Bella's mind. How did all the Cullen's Become vampires? Once Lucien consumed the serum, his death triggered the trans… Chapter 1. He was born sometime in 1640 in London, during a time of religious and political upheaval. Initially, he was not too happy about her involvement with Edward and their family, but learns to accept it quickly. The five of them manage to make their way to the studio, where Emmett and Jasper tear James apart and successfully kill him. Combining a piece of the white oak, Freya's blood and an engineered strain of werewolf venom from each of the seven original werewolf bloodlines, the spell created a serum, enough for two doses. Jacob Black is the Alpha of the Black pack. Hey guys my second fic. Average score for this quiz is 7 / 10.Difficulty: Average.Played 1,443 times. She is staked and nearly killed by Luka Martin when he infiltrates the mansion via astral projection in an attempt to release Elijah, but is rescued by Damon, who unwittingly burns Luka to death. Afterwards, he returns to Forks and attends the school prom with Rosalie as his date. Jessica Stanley refers to him as "the big dark-haired guy" in the first Twilight movie. With Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Sarah Clarke. Despite being the most intimidating Cullen, Emmett is actually very loving and caring to his wife Rosalie Hale and the rest of his family. Male She never chose to become a vampire, and has an undead chip on her shoulder as a result. He had a job unlike so many during that time working on the railroad. Emmett is annoyed that Edward is able to read his mind and puzzle together his strategies. He had what his parents considered a wild adolescence, never one to worry about consequences and preferring to gamble, drink, and womanize. Rosalie almost died when he drunk husband and his drunk friends beat her and left her to die in the road. The next week, Emmett, Jasper and Edward go on a weekend hiking, and Bella stays at the Cullens for a "slumber party". Perhaps this makes up a little bit for her loss as a human. He worked on the railroad with his older brothers in Gatlinburg, whil… I want to know the story behind each Cullen becoming a vampire. Bella Swan is Emmett's adoptive sister-in-law, who marries Edward. Though she now loves Emmett, she is still a bit upset that Edward has fallen for a human after not falling for her. He is the husband of Rosalie Hale, the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, the adoptive brother of Alice, Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale as well as adoptive brother-in-law of Bella Cullen and the adoptive uncle of Renesmee Cullen. Esme Cullen is Emmett's adoptive mother. He transformed Edward into a vampire, and he became Edward's father figure and companion. He also assists Jasper in ripping James apart and burning the pieces as soon as they find him at Bella's old ballet studio in Phoenix. – reviews are deeply appreciated! The two tend to enjoy wrestling with each other and practice martial arts, along with Jasper. Emmett left as she sat down next to me. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His favorite animal prey are bears, and would often wrestle with one before killing it. When Jasper trains his family and Sam Uley's pack for a battle plan against Victoria's army of newborn vampires, he chooses Emmett as a newborn example, because he is the strongest vampire in their family, will go for the easy kill, like newborns, and because of his competitive nature. After Edward decides to leave Forks with his family, Emmett moves up north with them, where he once again renews his marriage with Rosalie. Jasper Hale is Emmett's adoptive brother. Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town, Destination Forks: The Real World of Twilight, Twilight in Volterra: Fantasy and Reality in Italy,, High school and college student (vampire life). Pale 20 1935 Rosalie--how did she become a vampire, and what is her ability? Like the rest of his family, he has pale skin and golden eyes that darken to black as he becomes thirsty. Rosalie met Emmett in the woods when she found him being malled by a bear, and she saved him and carried him all the way back to Carlisle to change him into a vampire because she knew she would not have the stength to stop when she knew the venom would be in him already but she would want the BLOOD too much to stop!! Rosalie was noted as saying that it took nearly all her strength not to kill him. Even though Bella gets a bigger cut by Edward's attempt to defend her, Emmett manages to remain stable. "I woke up two days ago, after being bitten by a vampire called Laurent, whilst I was out hiking," Aro's face lit up. After that, they become much closer. He loves to laugh and make jokes, and would try to lighten up tense situations with his sense of humor. He later assists Edward in prompting Ben Cheney to ask Angela Weber out on a date to prom with a parade. In Midnight Sun, a part of Emmett's newborn life was mentioned. As his father aged, Carlisle took ove… all that human-Rosalie wanted was someone to adore her and a baby. The spell was cast on hallowed ground, where Esther created the first Originals. Luckily Renesmee did sometimes keep Edward and I preoccupied. Originally Answered: How did Alice become a vampire? Family information Edward states that he was unable to live with them for the first decade of Emmett's existence because they spent most of their time having sex, and that it was a strain even on the easygoing Carlisle and Esme. Emmett tends to speak and act on his thoughts, making Edward more comfortable to be around him. Hair color He prefers to play chess with him rather than Edward and Alice because their extra "senses" give them an advantage. He appears to be thoughtless, impatient, reckless, makes rash decisions and allow his instincts to take over, but also optimistic and never worries about things beyond his control. But the battle doesn't happen, and Emmett shares a kiss with Rosalie for their survival. They meet up with Alice and Jasper, who have lost Bella in the airport. Emmett also commented in Breaking Dawn that his and Rosalie's sex life is more enjoyable and energetic than Bella and Edward's, and that they have destroyed many houses while making love. Emmett almost crosses the line in Eclipse when chasing Victoria to the border line to La Push, where they meet the werewolves. Whenever the three of them are together, they would wrestle, compete, and often go on hunting trips together. Their relationship is often portrayed as a more physical relationship, compared to the other couples of the Cullen family. Emmett McCarty Cullen Emmett appears at the end of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner when a newborn named Bree Tanner runs into the battlefield and witnesses him tearing apart her fellow vampire named Kevin, and secretly entertains herself with the thought of Emmett possibly killing the brawny vampire Raoul, whom she truly loathed for his stupidity. Hunter and woodsman (human life)High school and college student (vampire life) To their dismay, the vampire escapes their pursuit and flies to Arizona on an airplane. Emmett has always had a fondness for hunting bears, and enjoys the satisfaction of getting revenge for what one did to him. Carlisle--ability? Olympic covenDenali covenBlack packUley pack As he and Edward are having lunch, he remembered somebody who appealed to him the way Bella does to his brother, though because at the time he was young and crazed, he ended up killing the girl with the sweet scent. Rosalie and Emmett were rarely separated after this, having fallen passionately in love. When Bella gets a paper cut while unwrapping a present, Jasper loses control and attempts to attack her, Emmett holds him down. In 1920, after having been institutionalized by her family, an unknown vampire turned her to save her from the relentless tracker, James. He hadn't looked back since then. They would also bet on anything they find interesting, for instance, in Eclipse Emmett and Jasper bet on when Bella is going to slip up in the next few years as a vampire. Carlisle found her on the road and turned her into a vampire. Prior to New Moon, he went on a vacation to Africa with Rosalie. The tiny town of Forks has a secret — it's home to a gorgeous coven of vampires. Emmett and the others watch the newborns burn. Two years prior to the beginning of Twilight, he moved to Forks with his family from Alaska, where he started attending Forks High School with Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward. I do not go into great detail about what they did to her, but once they were done, they left her in the streets to die, and carlisle found her there, and he thought she would be a good companion for Edward so he made her into a vampire. This is the background story on Emmett. Wrong! He also dislikes playing with Alice because she can see his decision. In the movie, Alice shows Aro a vision of battle taking place in the confrontation; in it, Emmett pins Alec to the ground and successfully severs his head from his body, killing him. During his transformation, Emmett referred to Carlisle as God. Height He reminded her of her former best friend Vera's child, Henry. They also have incredibly keen senses and are able t… The pair were integral members of the Cullen family and participated eagerly in removing the numerous impediments it faced. ! Born Biographical information When the dangerous James decides to hunt Bella for sports, Emmett goes with Edward and Carlisle to lead the vampire away and then pursue him. Rosalie was hunting … 1915; Gatlinburg, Tennessee Vampire ... she wouldn't wish for anyone to become a vampire… Emmett's Story. Rosalie Hale (wife)Carlisle Cullen (adoptive father)Esme Cullen (adoptive mother)Alice Cullen (adoptive sister)Jasper Hale (adoptive brother)Edward Cullen (adoptive brother)Bella Swan (adoptive sister-in-law)Renesmee Cullen (adoptive niece)Biological siblings ♰Biological parents ♰ When they find out that Victoria has created an army of newborn vampires, Emmett goes under training with his family and the wolves of the Quileute tribe in preparation for a battle against them while Edward and Seth protect Bella. The next day, Bella gathers the Cullens to vote whether to let her become a vampire and join their family. "What happened?" Because of this, he mainly finds joy in fighting animals on hunting trips, mainly bears. However, he was a loving child of his family who always kept them supplied with game. The Cullens were forced to move around for this reason. Carlisle Cullen Her father was a jeweler and a pearl trader. Rosalie - Rosalie was raped by her fiance and a few of his friends in Rochester, 1933. Physical description Edward admits, when Bella wants to be trained to fight, that Emmett knows just as much about combat as he does, and Edward is on par with the powerful and experienced Jasper. Due to the crystalline properties of their cells, when a vampire is exposed to sunlight, their body will sparkle like diamonds. Gallery. Emmett's adoptive niece: Renesmee Cullen. During the Volturi's interrogation, he remains in the background, and later, witnesses Felix execute Bree, the only newborn who surrendered, under Jane's orders. They are very close, as Bella refers him to "as the older brother she always wanted, but much, much more terrifying". When the trial with the Volturi looks about to turn into a fight, he shares a passionate kiss with Rosalie. Basic vampire abilitiesAdvanced strengthSelf-control The second time he proves this is when he devises a plan to gather witnesses to prove to the Volturi that his niece is not an immortal child, but also expresses a desire to fight.

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